Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to define and modify equipment cycles. Equipment cycles represent the planned work of a particular consist, linking together a set of scheduled trips that the consist will provide. Equipment cycles can span one or more days.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on equipment cycle ID, from/to date, effective date, discontinued date, and schedule ID.
The field in the top section of the Basic Info tab identifies the equipment cycle ID.
Equipment cycle ID
Identifier of the equipment cycle. This field is required. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, its description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.
You may use the same equipment cycle ID for non-overlapping equipment cycles based on effective dates.
The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to provide high-level information about the equipment cycle being defined. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
Free-form text field in which you can type a description of the equipment cycle. This field is required. The maximum field length is 30 characters.
Enter distance of 0 to recalculate from schedule data
If you are recording a new equipment cycle and want the distance calculated automatically, leave this field blank. The application will use the information in the Distance from last field on the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Routes screen. If you are modifying an existing record, type 0 in this field to have the value recalculate automatically. If you type a value greater than 0 in this field, it will not be overwritten.
Minimum number of equipment required
Minimum number of equipment units required. This field is optional. The maximum field length is five characters.
Effective date
The date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the equipment cycle became effective. Required if a discontinued date is entered. Otherwise, optional.
Discontinued date
The date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the equipment cycle was discontinued. May not be earlier than the effective date. This field is optional.
The Schedule cycle screen group enables you to provide details about the schedule. Each consist can only be assigned to one trip at a time.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save. You may not delete a schedule that is associated with an equipment cycle.
Order number of each scheduled trip in the cycle. Required. Order numbers must be greater than zero and in sequential order with no gaps.
Schedule ID
Identifier of the schedule. This field is required. This field has a list box, which is restricted to valid, active schedules. The equipment cycle and the schedule's frequencies must share the same days. For example, if the schedule's frequency is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then the equipment cycle's frequency may be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or any combination of those days. The schedule ID's frequency may not overlap a schedule ID on another equipment cycle.
Schedules are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data > Operations > Schedules screen.
Schedule description
Description of the schedule ID. This field is display only.
Departure stop ID
Identifier of the departure stop. This field is display only.
Departure stop description
Description of the departure stop. This field is display only.
Departure time
Time of departure (in HH:MM format) from departure stop ID. This field is display only.
Destination stop ID
Identifier of the destination stop. This field is display only.
Destination stop description
Description of the destination stop. This field is display only.
Destination time
Time of arrival (in HH:MM format) at destination stop. Display only.