Consist |
The Consist tab enables you to record the total capacity for the consist that ran the trip as well as the capacity of each equipment unit in the consist.
Note: When the trip record is created on the Dispatch Trips screen, the following fields default: Trip ID, Train Number, Trip Date, Consist ID (if assigned on the Dispatch screen), and Crews (if crew runs are set up).
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on schedule ID, trip ID, from/to date, trip date, dispatcher/assistant dispatcher signoff, status, location ID, consist ID, and route ID. Departure time and destination time may be added to the filter dialog using Administrator mode.
The fields in the top section of the tab define the information that displays.
Schedule ID
Identifier of the schedule. This field has a list box. The schedule description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.
Schedule IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Operations -> Schedules screen.
Trip ID
Sequential numeric identifier for the trip. Automatically assigned by the application. This field is display only.
The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to record details about the consist. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
Consist ID
Identifier of the consist. This field has a list box of consists that were active during the scheduled departure date and time of the trip. Required if there is a check in the Require consist ID when dispatching trips field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Options screen. Not required if the trip status is ANNULLED (even if the option is checked).
The same consist may be assigned to overlapping trips if both of the following conditions are true:
Neither the scheduled times nor the actual times overlap.
Neither the dispatcher nor the assistant dispatcher has signed off on one of the trips.
This field also has a Zoom
button to the Data
-> Equipment Management -> Consist Management
Tip: This field grays out (becomes disabled) when the either dispatcher or the assistant dispatcher signs off on a trip.
Get consist equipment list
If this field has a check, the screen group populates with the equipment list for the consist from the Data -> Equipment Management -> Consist Management screen. The list is based on the consist ID, date, and actual departure and arrival times for the trip.
Important: This field grays out (becomes unavailable for entry) when either the dispatcher or the assistant dispatcher signs off on a trip.
Actual capacity
Passenger capacity of all equipment units in the consist.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Hierarchical placement of the equipment unit in the consist.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit. This field has a list box.
Passenger capacity of the specified equipment unit.
Description of the equipment unit.
Equipment type
Type of equipment.
Next PM due date
Date (in MMDDYYYY format) of the next preventive maintenance service for the equipment unit.
Equipment status
Status of the equipment unit.
Life cycle status code ID
Identifier of the life-cycle status code for the equipment unit.