Comments |
The Comments tab for order management enables you to update and delete notes about the purchase order.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on purchase order ID, date ordered/closed, vendor ID, currency ID, part ID, and external PO number, among other values. To arrange the order in which the purchase order IDs are listed, use the sort button. (If you do not specify a sort sequence, the purchase order IDs are listed in descending order.)
If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION, the Parts Order Management screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Purchase order ID
Identifier of the purchase order. This field has a list box of purchase order IDs in descending order.
The bottom section of the tab contains a Comments field. You can update information in this field even if the line item is CLOSED (indicated in the Status field on the Line Items tab) and the purchase order is CLOSED (indicated in the Order status field on the Basic Info tab). Optional text area.