Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab for order management enables you to update or delete identifying data about purchase orders.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on purchase order ID, date ordered/closed, vendor ID, currency ID, part ID, and external PO number, among other values. To arrange the order in which the purchase order IDs are listed, use the sort button. If you do not specify a sort sequence, the purchase order IDs are listed in descending order.
If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION, the Parts Order Management screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Purchase order ID
Identifier of the purchase order. This field has a list box of purchase order IDs in descending order.
Data in the bottom section of the tab contains the basic information about the purchase order. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Order status
Status of the purchase order. This field is display only.
The purchase order is open.
When you perform end-of-period processing (from the System
Mgmt -> End of Period
screen) with a check in the Purge
obsolete database entries field, all purchase orders with an
order status of OPEN on which
every line item on the Line Items tab has a status
of CLOSED and a date closed on the Basic Info tab that is later
than the specified retention period are deleted. Retention information
for functional areas is specified on the Retention
Levels tab of the System
Mgmt -> Setup -> Table
Management screen.
The purchase order is closed. When you specify this choice, only the
Vendor invoice field on the
Items tab
and the Comments field on
the Comments
tab are open for edit.
When you perform end-of-period processing (from the System
Mgmt -> End of Period
screen) with a check in the Purge
obsolete database entries field, if all of a purchase order’s
line items have a status of CLOSED (indicated on the Line Items tab) that is later
than the specified retention period, the purchase order is deleted.
Retention information for functional areas is specified on the Retention
Levels tab of the System
Mgmt -> Setup -> Table
Management screen.
Order type
Type of order. This field is display only.
Date ordered
Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the order was entered. This field is display only.
Date closed
Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the order was closed. This field is display only.
When you perform end-of-period processing (from the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen) with a check in the Purge obsolete database entries field, all purchase orders with an order status of CLOSED are deleted. It closes all purchase orders on which every line item has a status of CLOSED and deletes them if they have a date closed that is later than the specified retention period. Retention information for functional areas is specified on the Retention Levels tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Table Management screen.
Vendor ID
Valid identifier of the vendor for the part order.
The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. This field is display
only. This field also has a Zoom button
that provides access to the vendor details on the Data
-> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary
Information screen. Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic
Info tab of that screen.
Tip: All line items on a purchase order must have the same vendor ID. You can change the vendor ID on an open purchase order only if no line items have been received. Otherwise, you must close all line items, delete the order, and re-create it for the correct vendor. To block this capability, use the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Rights Templates -> Control Rights Template screen to deny updates to the Vendor ID field.
Currency ID
Identifier of the currency on which the vendor bases its parts prices. This field is display only. The currency description displays to the right of the ID.
For parts purchase orders and repair purchase orders, the vendor’s prices are automatically converted from this currency ID to the base currency ID (refer to the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen). A vendor’s currency ID is specified on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.
Location ID
Identifier of the location that is to receive the part. This field is display only.
Information displays in this field only if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION. In this case, all line items under an order must be for the same order location, and you cannot change the order location once you create the order. To change location, you must close all line items on the order, delete the order, and re-create it at the correct location.
Address ID
Identifier of the location address to which the parts are to be delivered. Required if the location ID has a check in the Parts inventory field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box. The address displays to the right of the ID.
Responsible employee
Valid identifier of the employee responsible for the order. This field has a list box. The employee's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right. This field is optional.
Person who ordered the line item. The employee's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right. This field is display only.
Order header type
Purchase order header type applicable to this order. This field has a list box. The order header description displays in the unlabeled field to the right. Order header types are defined on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Order Header Types screen.
Version number
Version number of the purchase order information. Display only. Refer to the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.
Created automatically
If this field has a check, the purchase order was created automatically when data from the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering or Part Orders screens was processed. See purchase order rules. This field is display only.
Dispatched automatically
If this field has a check, the purchase order was dispatched to the vendor automatically when data from the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering screen was processed. See purchase order rules. This field is display only.
Order dispatched
If this field has a check, the purchase order was dispatched to the vendor (by fax, in the case of AUTOMATIC orders, or by printed copy sent manually). This field is display only.
Ship via
Method of shipping the order. This field is optional.
Freight code
Freight code associated with the order. This field is optional.
Tax message
Tax message associated with the order. This field is optional.
Order output type
Method by which the purchase order was last sent to the vendor. This field is display only.
Dispatch again
If this field has a check, the purchase order will be faxed and printed again. A warning message displays if the order total does not meet the vendor’s minimum order requirement. A vendor’s minimum order requirement is specified on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.