Equipment usage for month processing (technical details) |
During end-of-period equipment usage processing, the following actions are performed:
Data is created for equipment units that had no usage recorded during the month.
Equipment units that are eligible for usage processing are selected.
Number of months elapsed from the date in the end-of-period Equipment usage/Date last run field on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen to the month and year for which the processing is being run is calculated.
In the Usage (USG_MAIN) table, base charges are calculated on all rows inserted since the last end-of-period equipment usage processing that meet the following criteria:
There is a check in the Usage tickets field on the Authorization tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen, which indicates that the equipment unit is authorized for usage tickets
The Status tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen indicates the equipment unit has a life-cycle status ID that indicates the unit is ACTIVE.
Transaction was not a meter-only transaction.
Transaction did not originate from a reservation in the Motor Pool module.
See processing rules for each equipment unit's base charges.
Under certain conditions, adjusts meter charges for free meter units per month.
In the Equipment Cost Data (EQ_COST_DATA) table, the usage ticket flag and the meter flag for each unit for the month and year for which processing is being run are set to the current values for those flags for the unit on the Equipment (EQ_MAIN) table. These flags are reset to N in the Equipment (EQ_MAIN) table.
The month and year of the last end of period processing of equipment usage is updated in the System Internal (SYS_INTERNAL) table.
The current meter 1 and 2 readings and the current life meter 1 and 2 readings for each equipment unit are recorded In the Equipment Cost Data (EQ_COST_DATA) table. You can use the Queries/Reports -> Query/Report Generator screen to view this information. You can also use Web Modules Reporting, Microsoft Access, or any other reporting tool to create and view reports. See the related documentation for these products.