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Equipment Types

The Equipment Types tab enables you to specify the equipment types that are authorized to undergo testing.

These settings will restrict the test type choice list based on the equipment ID entered. To require that the test type match these settings on entry of a test result, place a check in the Require that test is authorized for equipment unit field on the Basic Info tab.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Test type ID

Identifier of the type of test. This field has a list box. The test type description displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of this tab specify equipment types authorized to undergo the test. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Equipment Types Data Table


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.

Equipment type

Type of equipment unit authorized to undergo the test. This field has a list box. Equipment types are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen.

Equipment type description

Description of the equipment type. This field populates automatically when an equipment type is specified. This field is display only.