Review batch processing results |
After the batch process runs, it creates a log file (.log) and an error file (.err) for each input file. The files are stored under the name and location you specified in the header record of the file.
The .log file displays the number of records that were Committed (successful), Rejected (failed), and Not processed (data not found).
If the bottom of the log file has a “Batch process finished” message, check to see how many records were rejected. If no records were rejected, batch processing ran successfully. If records were rejected, you need to correct them and then re-run them.
If the bottom of the log file does not have a “Batch process finished” message, processing did not complete. You need to correct the records that were rejected and re-run them.
If a transaction was rejected, the following actions occur:
Not processed entry created in the .log file.
Transaction listed in the .err file with an applicable message (Example: Cannot reference Old account ID [value] -- not defined in database PR - ERR nnn)
.rej file that lists all the records that were either Rejected or Not processed is created. The file is stored under the same name as the input file and in the same directory as the command file (.cmd).
Tip: For update and delete transactions, if you specify a row in the filter, perform a Get Data action, and no data displays, the .log file will not indicate accepted or rejected for those transactions. You are therefore encouraged to compare the number of transactions in your import file to the number of transactions in the .log file.
To re-run transactions that were either rejected or not processed:
Step 1. Open the .rej file in Excel.
Step 2. Update or change the data as needed.
Step 3. Save the file under a new name as both an .imp and an .xls file.
Note: Rename the file to ensure that you do not overwrite an existing file.
Step 4. Re-run batch processing for the rejected transactions.
Step 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until all transactions have been processed.
Previous steps:
Open import template in Excel (populate data file)