Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to display and define information about data import transactions.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Import ID
Identifier of the import transaction. This field has a list box. The run description displays to the right of the ID.
Note: You may only delete an import ID if it does not appear on any run IDs (on import).
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the basic information about the import ID. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Description of the transaction ID. Required.
Transaction type
Type of transaction. This field has a list box:
EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS: The transaction record changes assignments of equipment units. The Descriptive data items/Data types field on the Data Format tab must specify equipment ID; effective date and time; and at least one of the following: department ID, department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates.
EQUIPMENT METER READINGS: The transaction records readings of equipment unit meters. The Descriptive data items/Data types field on the Data Format tab must specify equipment ID and effective date and time, and the Quantitative data items/Data types field must specify Meter 1 or Meter 2 Reading.
PARTS RECEIPTS: The transaction records the receipt of parts. The Descriptive data items/Data type field on the Data Format tab must specify purchase order ID, date, part ID, part suffix, and quantity (received). Additionally, if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies that you manage parts CENTRALLY, you must specify the location ID.
POST COMMERCIAL: The transaction posts commercial charges to work orders. The Descriptive data items/Data type field on the Data Format tab must specify equipment ID, add sales tax (Y or N), or work order location ID; vendor ID; task ID; and date. Defaults to add sales tax (Y or N). If the Descriptive data items/Data type field specifies work order location ID instead of equipment ID, the Quantitative data items/Data types field must specify work order number and work order year. The Quantitative data items/Data types field must specify labor cost or parts cost.
PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS): The transaction posts purchase-order charges for parts. The Descriptive data items/Data type field on the Data Format tab must specify date order, date required, vendor ID, part ID, and part suffix. Additionally, if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies that you manage parts BY LOCATION, it must specify location ID. The Quantitative data items/Data type field on the Data Format tab must specify quantity (ordered).
Import authorized
If this field has a check, the import of the transaction is authorized.
Accept meter values outside meter edit range
Specifies whether transactions with meter reading values are accepted if the readings do not fall within the edit range for the equipment class for meter types to which the equipment unit is assigned. See meter validation fields.
Blank: Accepts transactions with readings that fall outside the edit range only if they are associated with a Validate meter reading field that specifies either EQ UPD or NO EQ UPD; otherwise, it rejects those readings.
Check: Accepts transactions that do not fall within the meter edit range if the import transaction includes a Validate meter reading field with a value of either EQ UPD or NO EQ UPD (and displays an error message). Accepts transactions if there is no meter validation specified, but does not update meter readings on the equipment unit.
Meter edit ranges are specified on the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen. Equipment units are assigned to an equipment class for meter types on the Classes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
Date or date and time format
Format of the date or date and time that the transaction uses. Required if EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME is specified as the data type on the Data Format tab. This field has a list box:
MM: 2-digit month (EXAMPLE: 01 for January)
MON: 3-character month (EXAMPLE: JAN for January)
DD: 2-digit day of the month (EXAMPLE: 14)
DDD: 3-digit day of the year (EXAMPLE: 224)
Y: 1-digit year (EXAMPLES: 199x or 200x)
YY: 2-digit year (EXAMPLES: 19xx or 20xx)
YYYY: 4-digit year
HH: 2-digit hour in 24-hour format (EXAMPLE: 21)
NN: 2-digit minute (EXAMPLE: 24)
Note: The full 4-digit year is calculated for date formats that include Y or YY. For Y dates, the value specified is appended to the decade of the current system date (today). For YY dates, 20xx is used for YY values less than 50 and 19xx is used for YY values greater than 49.