Data Format |
The Data Format tab enables you to display and define the format of data in the transaction.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Import ID
Identifier of the import transaction. The run description displays to the right of the ID. This field has a list box.
Note: You may only delete an import ID if it does not appear on any run IDs (on import).
There are two screen groups in the bottom section of the tab, Descriptive data items and Quantitative data items, that display and define the format. The fields that appear in both screen groups are processed the same way. Unless otherwise noted, these fields are in both screen groups.
Unless otherwise indicated, the fields in these screen groups are required.
Fields in the first screen group enable you to delete or define the format of data items in the transaction.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Data type
Type of descriptive data for which information is provided. This field contains a list box of the information in each transaction record used to identify data, so the choices that appear depend on the transaction type selected on the Basic Info tab. Each data type must be a valid entry based on the choice list.
ACCOUNT ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify account IDs to associate with the transactions. Required if the system contains account ID information that should be processed. At the time you process the transactions, the account ID must have a status of ACTIVE. (Account status is specified on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.) Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates. Otherwise, this value is optional.
Y: Sales tax is added to the transaction. If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for parts receipts field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, a Y displays automatically, but you can change it. This is the default if the Transaction type on the Basic Info tab specifies POST COMMERCIAL.
N: Sales tax is not added to the transaction.
ASSIGNED PM LOCATION ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify shop locations for the purpose of scheduling preventive maintenance (PM) work. The location must be authorized for PM work (see the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen). PM work can actually be performed at any shop authorized to perform PM work. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates. Otherwise, this value is optional.
ASSIGNED REPAIR LOCATION ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify location IDs for the purpose of scheduling repair work. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates.
DATE: Information in each transaction record used to identify the transaction date in each transaction record. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies either POST COMMERCIAL or PARTS RECEIPTS. The Date or date and time format field on the Basic Info tab specifies the date format.
DATE ORDERED: Information in each transaction record that identifies the date of the transaction’s order. The transaction date is based on the Date ordered field on the screen from which the part was ordered (i.e., Data -> Parts Repair -> External Rebuilds and Purchasing -> Part Orders or Quick Orders screen). Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
DATE REQUIRED: Information in each transaction record that identifies the date the part is required. The Required date field on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen specifies the date. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
DEPARTMENT ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify departments. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates.
DEPARTMENT ID TO NOTIFY FOR PM: Information in each transaction record used to identify departments to which notices are sent when an equipment unit is due for preventive maintenance. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates.
EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME: Information in each transaction record used to identify effective dates and times of transactions. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS or EQUIPMENT METER READINGS.
EMPLOYEE ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify the ID of the employee who performed the labor on the transaction. The Date ordered field on the screen on which the labor was recorded specifies the ID. Optional.
END DATE AND TIME: Information in each transaction record used to identify dates and times (24-hour clock from 00:00 to 23:59) that the runs end.
EQUIPMENT CLASS FOR RENTAL RATES: Information in each transaction record used to identify equipment classes to which equipment units are assigned in order to identify the applicable rental rates for the units. Rental rates for a class are defined on the Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, department to notify for PM, operator ID, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, or stored location ID.
EQUIPMENT ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify equipment units. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS or EQUIPMENT METER READINGS or if the Transaction type field specifies POST COMMERCIAL and there is no data format information defined for a work order location ID.
IMMEDIATE RECEIPT (Y OR N): Information in each transaction record that determines whether the transaction is for an immediate receipt. (The Immediate receipt field on the Data -> Purchasing -> Quick Orders screen specifies whether it is an immediate receipt.) Optional.
LABOR COST TAXABLE: Information in each transaction record used to identify whether labor costs are taxable. This field is optional.
LOCATION ID: Information in each transaction record used to determine the location ID.
Required if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION and the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS)\.
Required if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies CENTRALLY and the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PARTS RECEIPTS.
Otherwise, this value is optional.
METER 1 VALIDATION: Information in each transaction record used to identify whether meter 1 readings are validated.
METER 2 VALIDATION: Information in each transaction record used to identify whether meter 2 readings are validated.
OPERATOR ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify operator IDs. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a department ID, department to notify for PM, operator name, account ID, assigned repair location ID, assigned PM location ID, stored location ID, or equipment class for rental rates.
OPERATOR NAME: Information in each transaction record used to identify names of operators.
PART ID: Information in each transaction record that determines the part ID. The Part ID field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen specifies the ID. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies either PARTS RECEIPTS or PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
PART SUFFIX: Information in each transaction record that determines the suffix of the part ID. The Part suffix field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen specifies the suffix. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PARTS RECEIPTS or PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
PARTS COST TAXABLE: Information in each transaction record used to identify whether parts costs are taxable. This field is optional.
PURCHASE ORDER ID: Information in each transaction record that identifies the ID of the purchase order. The Purchase order ID field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen specifies the ID. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PARTS RECEIPTS. Otherwise, this value is optionall.
REFERENCE WORK ORDER: Information in each transaction record that identifies the work order. The Vendor work order field on the Commercial tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen specifies the reference work order. Optional.
REVERSAL: Information in each transaction record used to identify whether postings are to reverse previous entries (to correct errors). Optional.
STORED LOCATION ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify locations in which equipment units are stored. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENTS and there is no data format information defined for a DEPARTMENT ID, DEPARTMENT TO NOTIFY FOR PM, OPERATOR ID, OPERATOR NAME, ACCOUNT ID, ASSIGNED REPAIR LOCATION ID, ASSIGNED, or an
TASK ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify tasks. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies POST COMMERCIAL. Otherwise, optional.
TRANSACTION CODE: Information in each transaction record that determines whether the transaction should be processed. The Transaction codes field on the More Info tab specifies the code. Required if there is a value in that field. Otherwise, this value is optional.
VENDOR CONTRACT ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify vendor contracts. Optional.
VENDOR ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify vendors. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies either POST COMMERCIAL or PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
VENDOR INVOICE: Information in each transaction record used to identify vendor invoices. The maximum field length is 20 characters. Optional.
VENDOR WORK ORDER NO: Information in each transaction record used to identify vendor work orders.
WORK ACCOMPLISHED CODE: Information in each transaction record used to identify codes for the work accomplished.
WORK ORDER LOCATION ID: Information in each transaction record used to identify locations to which the work order is assigned. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies POST COMMERCIAL and there is no data format information defined for an equipment ID. If this is the case, the Quantitative data items/Data types field must specify a work order number and work order year. Otherwise, this field is optional.
The following two fields apply if the Import format field on the More Info tab specifies FIXED:
Starting position
The character position in each transaction record of the first character of each data type. The first character position in the transaction record is position 1. If the Transaction format field on the Basic Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field is blank.
Number of character positions in each transaction record occupied by each data type. The minimum value is 1. If the Import format field on the More Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field is blank.
Field number
If the Transaction format field on the Basic Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field must contain the relative position in each transaction record of each data type. The first field number in the transaction record is 1. The value of this item must be one more than the number of commas that precede this data type in each transaction record. If the Transaction format field specifies FIXED, this field is blank.
Right aligned
If this field has a check, leading spaces are removed from the value before it is validated or processed.
Fields in the second screen group enable you to delete or define the format of numeric data items in the transaction.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Data type
Type of quantitative data for which information is provided. Each data type must be a valid entry based on the choice list. This field has a list box:
LABOR COST: Information in each transaction record used to identify the cost of labor provided by the vendor. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies POST COMMERCIAL and there is no data format information specified for parts cost.
METER 1 READING: Information in each transaction record used to identify equipment unit’s meter (or meter 1) reading at the time of the transaction. Required if any of the following conditions exist:
The system contains meter (or meter 1) information that should be processed.
The system includes a quantitative data item for the meter 2 reading.
The Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT METER READINGS and there is no data format information defined for a meter 2 reading.
If the Classes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen assigns the equipment unit to an equipment class that the Meter Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen specifies as having a meter type of NONE, the meter reading must be zero (0).
METER 2 READING: Information in each transaction record used to identify the equipment unit’s meter (or meter 2) reading at the time of the transaction. Required if the system contains meter 1 (or meter 2) information that should be processed. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies EQUIPMENT METER READINGS and there is no data format information defined for a meter 1 reading.
PART PRICE: Information in each transaction record used to identify the price of parts. Optional.
PARTS COST: Information in each transaction record used to identify the cost of parts provided by a vendor. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies POST COMMERCIAL and there is no data format information specified for labor cost.
QUANTITY (ISSUED): Information in each transaction record used to identify the number of parts which that issued.
QUANTITY (ORDERED): Information in each transaction record used to identify the number of parts that ordered. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PARTS (QUICK ORDERS). Otherwise, this value is optional.
QUANTITY (RECEIVED): Information in each transaction record used to identify the number of parts that were received. Required if the Transaction type field on the Basic Info tab specifies PARTS RECEIPTS. Otherwise, this value is optional.
WORK ORDER NO: Information in each transaction record used to identify the number portion of work order IDs.
WORK ORDER YEAR: Information in each transaction record used to identify the year portion of work order IDs.
Starting position
The character position in each transaction record of the first character of each data type. The first character position in the transaction record is position 1. If the Import format field on the More Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field is blank.
Number of character positions in each transaction record occupied by each data type. The minimum value is 1. If the Import format field on the More Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field is blank.
Field number
If the Import format field on the More Info tab specifies COMMA-SEPARATED, this field must contain the relative position in each transaction record of each data type. The first field number in the transaction record is 1. The value of this item must be one more than the number of commas that precede this data type in each transaction record. If the Import format field specifies FIXED, this field is blank.
Decimal point explicit
Check: The system contains data with explicit decimal points (for example, 999.99). If you place a check in this box, leave the Qty of decimal places field blank.
Blank: The system contains data with implicit decimal points (for example, 99999). There must be information in the Qty of decimal places field.
Qty of decimal places
Number of decimal places included in this data type. This information is used only if the Decimal point explicit field is blank.