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The Markers screen enables you to define marker IDs. Each linear asset has one or two marker references. Both markers must be on the same segment, and each linear asset must be contained entirely within one segment. If the linear asset is located at a point, the “from” and “to” offset information will be the same. Each marker/segment combination must be unique.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of the Basic Info tab displays the marker ID. This field is required.

Marker ID

Identifier of the marker. If entering a new ID, it must be unique and a maximum of 20 characters. Type a description of the ID in the unlabeled field. This field has a list box of existing IDs. The ID's description displays in the field to the right.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the marker. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


Description of the marker, such as milepost, engineering station, or catenary wire pole. This is an open field with a 120 character limit.

Segment ID

Identifier of the segment. This field has a list box. The segment's description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Segment IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Setup -> Segments screen.

Offset from segment start

Offset from segment start. The offset from segment start must be less than or equal to the total segment length.


Latitude coordinates for the marker. You can use either a base-60 number system (for example, “39 degrees 13 minutes 26.686 seconds north” is abbreviated as 39°13'26.686"N) or a degree decimal system (for example, 39 + 13/60 + 26.686/3600 = 39.2240794443). This field is optional.


Longitude coordinates for the marker. You can use either a base-60 number system or a degree decimal system. This field is optional.


Elevation of the marker. The field format is 12 characters and 4 decimal places. Defaults to 0. This field is optional.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit. Maximum field length is 20 characters. This field has a list box. Must be an asset type of STATIONARY, LINEAR, or COMPONENT. This field also has a zoom button to the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Address ID

Identifier of the address used for the marker. If an address ID is entered, the address ID information will be used instead of address lines 1-4. Detailed address information for address IDs is set up on the Addresses screen.

Map symbology ID

Enter the symbology ID of the icon you want associated with the segment. This field is optional, but if entered, must be a valid entry. The field pulls the icon associated with the ID from the Mapping Symbology screen.

Primary marker

If there is a check in this box, this is the primary marker. This field is optional.


Type of marker. The options are: