Equipment Availability |
The Equipment Availability screen enables you to view and analyze availability information for service level agreements (SLAs). You can see how your availability compares to your requirements on multiple SLAs.
You can filter on a combination of department ID, availability location ID, and SLA equipment category. You must specify an SLA equipment category, or use % to view all equipment categories. You may also use wildcards (%) in the filter to retrieve information for multiple SLAs at one time.
If your SLAs are defined by location, you must specify an availability location ID (or use % to view all locations)
If your SLAs are defined by department, you must specify a department ID (or use % to view all departments)
If your SLAs are defined by a combination of location and department, you must specify both a department ID and location ID
Tip: To retain the data for historical reporting purposes, such as reporting whether enough equipment units were available for pullout on any given day, place a check in the Retain snapshot data for historical reporting checkbox in the filter before clicking Get Data. The data returned is saved in _HIST tables for subsequent reporting. The default is to not retain snapshot data. A grayed-out checkbox is neither checked nor unchecked. You must explicitly check the checkbox field to retain snapshot data.
Note: A configurable MAXQueue adapter will be made available to automatically perform this action on a scheduled basis.
This screen supports department-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data the software displays. All fields are display only.
Department ID
Identifier of the department. This field has a list box. The department name displays to the right of the ID. This field, the SLA equipment category field, and the system date (in the Equipment status for field) define the SLA ID for which information displays on this tab.
Availability location ID
Identifier of the location associated with the SLA for the equipment. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.
SLA equipment category
The type of equipment that is the subject of a service level agreement. This field has a list box. The category description displays to the right of the category.
Run ID
Automatically generated number that identifies the data currently being displayed. While this number displays on the screen, you can use the Query/Report Generator screen to access the data prepared for this screen by specifying the run ID as a restricting value.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the SLA equipment availability. All fields are display only.
Equipment availability for
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HH:MM format) at which the equipment is available.
Number of units assigned during the SLA requirements period covered by the date and time in the Equipment availability for field. Vehicles are only counted as assigned if they are active based on life-cycle code.
Number of units required during the SLA requirements period covered by the date and time in the Equipment availability for field.
Number of units available during the SLA requirements period covered by the date and time in the Equipment availability for field. Vehicles are only counted as available if they are active based on life-cycle code.
Out of service
Total units held minus total units with an equipment status of IN SERVICE, AVAILABLE FOR PM, NOT FOUND, or WORK FINISHED. The current status of an equipment unit is specified in the Equipment status field on the Status tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
Loaned in
Number of units (owned or hired) of the equipment category for this SLA that are currently on temporary loan to this department for this SLA. Vehicles are only counted as loaned in if they are active based on life-cycle code. If there is no department, then this value will be zero.
Loaned out
Number of units (owned or hired) of the equipment category for this SLA that are assigned to the department for this SLA but are currently on temporary loan to another department. Vehicles are only counted as loaned out if they are active based on life-cycle code.
Identifier of the service level agreement.
SLA date
Date of the service level agreement.
Current period:
Start time
Start time (in HHMM format) of the SLA requirement period.
SLA requirement periods are specified on the Requirements Periods tab of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Service Level Agreements -> Primary Information screen.End time
End time (in HHMM format) of the SLA requirement period.
The Equipment units out of service screen group provides details about the units that are out of service. The listed units are sorted first by service status and then by equipment ID within that service status.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit.
SLA status
Status of the service level agreement.
Service status
Status of the service.
Equipment description
Description of the equipment.