Rights Templates |
The Rights Templates enable you to define user rights and make changes to existing rights. Each template defines a specific set of rights that can be defined at the Screen, Control (field), Location, Department, and Report levels. Rights can be defined for View, Insert, Update, Copy, and Delete.
When a new screen becomes available with a new release or you are ready to implement new business processes for your employees (giving them more or less access than they previously had), you only need to change the appropriate templates instead of modifying each individual user group to which the change applies.
For example, all the mechanics across your organization should have access to the same set of screens, but each will have different location access. You would set up one Screen Rights Template for the set of mechanic screens, and assign that template to the user groups for all mechanics. All the mechanic user groups would have the same screen rights but would have different location rights templates assigned to them.
The data conversion to Release 5.3 built a set of rights templates that directly mirror your user groups. As time permits, you may want to review the structure of your rights templates and refine them.
To learn more about each template's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.
Defines screen rights
Defines field-level rights
Defines location-level access
Defines department-level access
Defines the right to execute reports