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Output Control

The Output Control tab for stock transfers enables you to manage receipt or transfer label printing. The notice printed at the sending location includes the bin location for the part at the sending location and the bin location at the receiving location once the part arrives at its destination. Printed transfer notices include employee ID and name, work order ID, transfer ID, equipment ID, year, make, model description, equipment serial number, part description as keyword, and short description.

If you are transferring parts for rebuild, you can send a shipping manifest to the message printer assigned to the location. The manifest can then be checked against what is received.

The Stock Transfers screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorization to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Transfer ID

Identifier of the transfer selected in the grid or that you are defining. This number is assigned to each new transfer and new request for transfer.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the printing information.

Printer ID

Identifier of the printer associated with the Output destination field when the destination is a print queue. Defaults to the label printer ID (if any) specified for the logged on user. This field has a list box of label printer IDs specified as used by the logged on user. Optional, but required to print receipt or transfer labels.

Output destination

Output destination associated with the printer in the Printer ID field. The destination displays after you specify the printer ID. This field is display only. The options are as follows:

Output destinations are associated with printer IDs on the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Printers -> Printer Devices/Queues screen.