Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to display and define data about quick orders.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
Location ID
Identifier of the location which is to receive the part (or parts). This field has a list box.
If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION:
Location level access may be in effect for this screen
All line items under an order must be for the same order location, and you cannot change the order location once you create the order (to change location, you must close all line items on the order, delete the order, and recreate it at the correct location)
Purchase order ID
Identifier of the purchase order. This field has a list box.
If the Automatic numbering of purchase orders field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen specifies a value other than NONE, this field displays the next sequential ID.
If the Automatic numbering for purchase orders field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen specifies STANDARD, the location’s next available purchase order number displays in this field.
The Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen determines which ID displays:
– The next sequential
purchase order ID available for the organization. The ID displays
when you click the Prepare for Insert
button .
BY LOCATION – The next sequential purchase order ID available at the parts inventory location that is to receive the part (or parts). The purchase order ID displays when you specify the location ID.
Data in the bottom section of the tab define the basic information about the quick order. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Vendor ID
Identifier of the vendor for the part order. It must
be active and provide parts. This field has a list box.
The vendor name or description displays to the right of the ID. This field
also has a Zoom button that provides access to
the vendor details on the Data ->
Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors ->
Information screen.
If there is a check in the Quick orders require vendor contract ID for vendor field on the Quick Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen, quick orders may be issued only to vendors for which there is a valid, current vendor contract with a sufficient unused amount to cover the order value. If there is a check in the Quick orders require fax number associated with the vendor contract field on the Quick Orders tab, the vendor contract must have a fax number.
Tip: Vendor ID and status are specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. The goods or services that a vendor provides are specified on the Functions tab of that screen.
Currency ID
Identifier of the currency on which the vendor bases its parts prices. The currency description displays to the right of the ID. This field is display only.
Date ordered
Date of the entry of the order. This must be the current system date or earlier. This date is used to calculate the Expected delivery date and time on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
Address ID
Identifier of the location address to which the parts are to be delivered. Required if the location ID has a check in the Parts inventory field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box. The address displays to the right of the ID.
Order placed by
Identifier of the employee who placed the order. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID.
Order header type
Purchase order header type applicable to this order. Optional, but if specified, it must be a type that has a check in the Use on quick orders field on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Order Header Types screen. This field has a list box. The order header description displays to the right of the type.
Order type
Type of order. This field has a list box.
Tip: The options selected on the Quick Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen specify rules that distinguish quick orders from conventional orders. If that tab does not specify any options, there is no difference between a quick order and a conventional order.
Order output type
Method by which the purchase order was last sent to the vendor. This field has a list box.