Receipts |
The Receipts screen enables you to update information about the receipt of parts. You can only update information about the current line items on the purchase order; you cannot add new line items to the purchase order. To add line items to the purchase order, use the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
If the Mobile Software is installed, you can use hand-held devices to transfer receipt information between the application and the hand-held devices in order to work with the data from remote locations. See the related documentation for these products.
The part order must be processed before you can process a receipt (in units of purchase) to the Parts Receipts (PO_RCPT) table. When you process the receipt, the purchase issue factor (refer to the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor/Part Information screen) is defined for the part ID, part suffix, and vendor on the purchase order to convert the quantity received to units of issue, and the quantity and value of the receipt (in units of issue) is added to stock at the receiving location. Also included are sales tax (if specified) and any shipping or other costs you enter on the Other Costs tab. If the order is associated with a vendor contract, the sales tax amount is deducted from the vendor contract amount. This value is included when you run the Queries/Reports -> Facility Summary Report for Report periods of Current year to date specified on the Report Info tab and a check in the Parts/Receipts field on the Report Setup tab. Refer to Actions performs when processing a parts issue.
Separate records are maintained for each receipt (including all partial receipts) for each part line item on any order. Under the FIFO and LIFO inventory methods, each partial receipt creates a new lot or price point.
The receipt date for the order is recorded in the Vendors for a Part (SPT_MAIN) table if it is the first (or earliest) receipt for the part under the order. The last order data on the table is updated to reflect the correct unit price.
Note: The Receipts screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.
Information about the receipt of parts, including the receipt location and their immediate issue (if any)
Information about processing additional costs of the parts receipt (shipping charges, for example)
Printing information for parts receipt labels