Receipts |
The Receipts tab enables you to update information about parts receipts and return parts to vendors. You can only update information about existing line items; you cannot add new ones. To add new line items to the purchase order (PO), use the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
Receipts for parts with quantities greater than zero are processed. The Quantity on hand and Value on hand fields on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen are updated.
Note: If
there is a check in the Allow issues
from stock with insufficient inventory field on the Inventory
- More Info tab of the Data
-> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations ->
Primary Information
screen, you may issue parts with insufficient inventory on hand.
The part is issued at the current unit issue price, which may not
be the same as when you record the receipt that reconciles this issue.
If you are processing a receipt or a transfer in of a part that requires
quantity to be reconciled, you must specify the work order ID that
applies to this receipt. If the receipt price is different from the
issue price, a return of the original issue from the work order is
performed automatically and the part is reissued to the work order
at the correct price. Any residual value that may still need to be
averaged into the unit issue price is taken into account.
When you receive a part on a purchase order created from the Data -> Parts Repair -> External Rebuilds screen, the part is added to inventory (quantity specified in the Rebuild quantity field) at the receipt location at the total price of the repair ([total labor cost + total parts cost + total commercial cost] + [quantity * core value for rebuilds]).
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on purchase order ID, vendor ID, and external PO number.
The Receipts screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The information in the fields in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Purchase order ID
Identifier of the purchase order for which the parts were received. This field has a list box of purchase order IDs in descending order. If the purchase order is closed, you may only process the return of parts to the vendor.
Vendor ID
Identifier of the vendor that supplied the part. The
vendor name displays to the right of the ID. This field has a zoom
button to the Data
-> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors ->
Information screen.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab record the part's receipt. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Indicates whether the line item was deleted from the purchase order: N (no) or Y (yes). This field is display only.
Order line number
Line number on the purchase order that the information in the fields to the right pertains to. This field is display only.
Line item status
Status of the order line number item. This field has a list box:
OPEN: You may not select this status if the purchase order is closed.
CLOSED: If you change the status to CLOSED, the quantity ordered for this line item that was not received (if any), as well as its value, is subtracted from the values in the On order/quantity and On order/value fields for the part on the Stock Status tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen.
If the total quantity received (the current value in the Quantity to receive field plus the quantity previously received as shown in the Quantity received field on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen) equals or exceeds the value in the Quantity ordered field for the line item on that tab, the line item is automatically closed.
If the order line number has a work order ID specified in the Work order location, Work order year, and Work order number fields, the quantity on order, value on order, order quantity due out, and order value due out for the order part ID/suffix are decreased. The changes are made on the following screens, dependent on whether the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies CENTRALLY or BY LOCATION.
CENTRALLY: Movement tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen.
BY LOCATION: Movement tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.
Order part ID
Identifier of the part ordered. This field is display only. auto-populated based on information provided in the Quantity to receive field.
Order part suffix
Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. auto-populated based on information provided in the Quantity to receive field.
Quantity to receive
Quantity of the part that you are receiving at this time (in units of purchase). If the part is serialized, the quantity must be 1. When you enter a value in this field, information displays in the following fields:
Receipt date
Order part ID
Order part suffix
Employee receiving (if one is defined for the logged-in user)
Note: If you have external rebuild line items for serialized parts that have not been received, you must either receive them before upgrading to Release 5.8.x or change the status of the serialized part to RETURN TO VENDOR prior to receiving after you install Release 5.8.x.
Tip: If the quantity received does not match the quantity ordered, a message displays only if there is a check in the Message when quantity received does not match quantity ordered field on the Messaging tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.
Quantity not yet received
Balance of the quantity of the part ordered on the purchase order that has not yet been received. This field is display only.
Receipt date
Date the parts were received. When you type a quantity in the Quantity to receive field, this field displays the current system date, but you can change it to an earlier date.
Receipt location ID
Identifier of the location that received the part (or parts). Required if the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies CENTRALLY. If that field specifies BY LOCATION, the receipt location ID is the same as the order location and this field is display only.
When you process the receipt of parts, they are added to inventory at this location. If there is a check in the Binning instructions message when a part is received into stock field on the Inventory - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen and a printer ID for this location is specified on the Printer Info tab of that screen, a binning message is sent to that printer.
Return to vendor
A check in this field indicates either reversal of a previous erroneous entry or the return of a part to a vendor. You may not return rebuilt parts to vendors. If this field has a check, the amount in the Quantity received field cannot be greater than the amount in the On hand/quantity field on the Stock Status tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen.
Tip about returns: You may process a return against a closed purchase order only if it has not been deleted. If the PO has been deleted, make a new entry for the part on the Data -> Purchasing -> Part Orders screen with a quantity of 1 and then process the return on this screen.
Receipt price vendors currency
Price per unit of issue for the receipt, in the vendors currency. If there is a vendor contract ID for the order part ID when you process information on this screen, this field displays the price from the Unit price field on the Parts Prices tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts screen.
This price is converted to the base currency using the applicable purchase/issue factor (go to the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor/Part Information screen) and the applicable currency exchange rate (go to the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Currency Exchange screen).
The price in this field is dependent on the price type specified in the Price type field:
FREE OF CHARGE: Price must be greater than or equal to zero.
AGREED, EXCHANGE, LIST, or TO BE ADVISED AND AGREED: Price must be greater than zero.
This price displays in the following fields:
Last receipt price fields on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen for the receipt location ID and on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen for the organization as a whole.
Receipt price vendors currency field on the Receipts tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
Receipt costs vendors currency
Amount of any costs (such as shipping) assigned to the receipt, in the vendors currency. This amount is converted to the base currency using the applicable currency exchange rate (listed on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Currency Exchange screen).
Currency ID
Identifier of the local currency. This field is display only.
Price type
Type of price that describes the current order unit price. Display only from the Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen:
Price types are defined on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Price Types screen.
Vendor contract ID
Identifier of the vendor contract associated with the part. This field has a list box, restricted by associated vendor and end date. This field is optional.
Note: If this vendor ID differs from the ID listed on the order screen, the amount of the order is decremented from this vendor ID.
Vendor contract IDs are recorded on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing-> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.
Bin ID
Identifier of the bin in which the part is stored. This field has a list box.
Bin IDs are assigned on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Bins screen.
Serial number
Part serial number. Defaults to the serial number listed on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Parts Repair -> External Rebuilds screen, but you can change it. The part must have a status of either AWAITING REBUILD, AWAITING DISPOSITION, or RETURN TO VENDOR. The maximum field length is 20 characters. Required if receiving a serialized part.
Receipt part ID
Identifier of the part actually received. This field has a list box. When you type a quantity in the Quantity to receive field, this field displays the value from the Order part ID field. If you change it, the discrepancy is recorded in the Order part ID field on the Receipt of Different Parts tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Orderers' Lists screen.
Receipt part suffix
Suffix assigned to the part number of the part actually received. When you type a quantity in the Quantity to receive field, this field displays the value from the Order part suffix field. If you change it, the discrepancy is recorded in the Order part ID field on the Receipt of Different Parts tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Orderers' Lists screen.
Employee receiving
Identifier of the employee who receives the part. This field has a list box. When you type a quantity in the Quantity to receive field, this field displays the employee ID, if any, associated with the logged-in user ID. This field is display only.
Employee IDs are associated with user IDs on the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Users screen.
Label quantity
Number of labels to print for this line item. When you type a quantity in the Quantity to receive field, that value displays in this field, but you can change it. You can specify a label quantity that is greater than the receipt quantity.
Note: If you want to print a quantity that is two or more times the quantity received, or if you want to print more than 1,000 labels, a warning message appears.
The Labels tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether part receipt labels are printed.
Part description
Description associated with the part in the Order part ID field. This field is display only.
Add sales tax
If this field has a check, sales tax is added to the cost of the part when the part is added to inventory at the receiving location. The tax is added before any appropriate markups are applied.
Note: If you return a part to a vendor, the inventory cost, including the sales tax, is deducted from the inventory location.
Tip: A check displays automatically in this field in Insert mode if there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for/Parts Receipts field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, but you can remove it.
Vendor invoice
Number of the vendors invoice for the part (or parts) received. The maximum field length is 20 characters. If there is a check in the Require vendor invoice on receipts field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen, a vendor invoice number is required when receiving a part. Otherwise, it is optional.
Reconciled WO location
Reconciled work order location.
WO year
Year in which the work order associated with the part (or parts) was opened. This field is optional.
WO no
Number of the work order associated with the part (or parts). This field has a list box of all work order numbers at the work order location opened during the work order year that have a job status of either OPEN or PENDING. Optional.
Immediate issue
If this field has a check, the full quantity is immediately issued to the work order ID in the Work order location, Work order year, and Work order number fields. The work order status must be WORK FINISHED, OPEN, or DELAY . The work order ID and issue quantity default to the related work order ID and quantity for the line item (if specified). If the quantity issued is less than the value specified in the Quantity to receive field, the remaining quantity is added to stock on hand.
Note: When a part is issued to a work order, the issue date is used for the receipt date. If the receipt date is later than the work finished date on the work order, the work finished date is used for the issue date.
To issue parts to an equipment unit, department, or account code, use the Data -> Parts Activity -> Direct Issues screen.
See Actions performed when posting a parts issue.
Issue quantity
Quantity of the part issued. If the part is serialized, the quantity must be 1. If there is a check in the Immediate issue field, this field displays the quantity from the Related Work Orders tab on the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
If this quantity is less than the value in the Quantity to receive field, the remaining quantity is added to the stock on hand.
If there is a check in the Message when inventory of a STOCKED part drops below its reorder point field on the Messaging tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen, a message displays if issuing this quantity would drop the current stock level below the parts reorder point.
The tabs on the following screens specify the reorder point, dependent on the value in the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen:
CENTRALLY: EOQ tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen
BY LOCATION: EOQ tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen
BY ENTERPRISE: Replenishment tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen
Core credit
If one of the following conditions exist and there is a check in this field, the software generates a claim for the core costs.
There is a check in the Automatically create core claims when part with a core is replaced field on the Inventory - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen for the issuing location.
There is a cost of the core part in the Core unit value field. That value must be greater than zero.
If the recovery is tracked, when you process information on this screen, the charge for the part (the core unit value multiplied by the issue quantity) is posted to the work order and the Core recovery field on the Other tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Historical Costs screen is updated. When the claim payment from the vendor is recorded on the Data -> Warranty -> Reimbursement Claims screen, the reduction in the parts cost is automatically posted to the work order. You can also display and update the core claim on that screen.
A check displays automatically in this field if the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen assigns the part ID to a part classification ID that has a check in the Has a core field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen. You can remove the check.
Core unit value
Cost of the core part. If the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen assigns the part ID to a part classification ID that has a check in the Has a core field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen, this field displays the core credit value from the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor/Part Information screen.
To generate a core claim for the core costs, do one of the following:
If there is a check in the Automatically create core claims when part with a core is replaced field on the Inventory - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen for the issuing location, leave this field blank or type a zero. Place a check in the Core credit field.
If there is not a check in the Automatically create core claims when part with a core is replaced field on the Inventory - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen for the issuing location to track recovery of core part costs, place a check in the Core credit field and specify the cost of the core part in this field.
If a core claim (similar to a warranty claim) is generated, a claim is automatically generated for the amount of the core credit value multiplied by the value in the Quantity issued field. When receipt of the claim payment from the vendor is recorded on the Data -> Warranty -> Reimbursement Claims screen, the reduction in the parts cost is posted to the work order. You can also display and update the core claim on that screen.
The following three fields make up the work order ID to which the parts are immediately issued. If there is a check in the Immediate issue field, the default is the work order ID from the Related Work Orders tab on the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen.
Work order location
Identifier of the shop location of the work order generated for the line item. This field has a list box.
When you process a receipt, if there is a check in the Message when a part is received for use on a specified work order field on the Inventory - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen and a printer ID for this work order location is specified on the Printer Info tab of that screen, a receipt message is sent to that printer.
Work order year
Year in which the work order was opened.
Work order number
Number of the work order. This field has a list box of all work order numbers at the work order location that were opened during the work order year specified and have a job status of either OPEN or WAIT FOR EQUIPMENT.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit to which parts charges are posted. This field has a list box. This field displays the equipment ID associated with the work order ID (location, year, and number), but you can change it.
Year, manufacturer, and model of the equipment unit in the Equipment ID field. Display only.
Task ID
Repair task or PM service ID that describes the activity for which the part is needed. If there is a check in the Immediate issue field, this field defaults to the task ID associated with the related work order. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task.
Note: You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order with immediate issue.
Tip: The task ID list displays all task IDs that have already been posted to the work order or that are listed on service requests assigned to the work order; a separator (--------All Tasks--------); and all active tasks, restricted by the first characters entered prior to accessing the list.
Task IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.
Work accomplished code
Code associated with the task ID for the work accomplished. It provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Note: If entered, the work accomplished code is transferred to the part issue transaction generated for the work order.
Work accomplished codes and their descriptions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.
Account ID
Identifier of the general accounting systems account to which parts charges are to be posted. This field displays the account ID for the equipment ID associated with the work order ID (location, year, and number), but you can change it. This field has a list box. The account name displays to the right of the ID.
When you assign an account ID, it must be valid and have a status of ACTIVE. Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.
The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.
Fail/cause ID
Identifier of the parts failure that describes the reason the part is needed. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Fail IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Failure/Cause Codes screen.
Position ID
Identifier of the part's position on the equipment. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Equipment unit positions are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Positions screen.
Removed serial number
Serial number of the part that was removed. This field has a list box. The choices are filtered by part ID and current equipment ID
External status
External (outside of the system) status. This field is optional.
Ext qty
External (outside of the system) quantity. This field is optional.
Ext date
External (outside of the system) date. This field is optional.
Ext PO number
External (outside of the system) purchase order number. This field is optional.
Ext line number
External (outside of the system) line number. This field is optional.
Free-form text field in which you can type comments. This field is optional.