Messages |
The Messages tab displays messages associated with a specific work order or linear asset, including work orders that are closed. These messages are also included in the Information Messages section on printed work orders. They include notification if a linear asset has exceeded the meter override for a PM service.
Tip: To reduce data retrieval time, if you click Reload button and the work order has a status of CLOSED, the system will not display any messages.
If you are in Insert mode and the work order location has a check in the Include work order messages for associated components/while inserting a new work order field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, this tab displays messages related to components associated with the linear asset.
If the work order location has a check in the Include work order messages for associated components/on printed work orders field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, messages related to the components associated with the equipment unit are included in the Information Messages section on printed work orders.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all. You can sort on work order information, from/to open date, equipment ID, repair reason, segment ID, to/from marker ID, and to/from offset, among other values. If you specify a range, any record that crosses any part of that range will be displayed. You can also use the sort button to arrange the order in which work order IDs are listed. If you do not specify a sort sequence, IDs are listed in descending order by the Date and time in service field (specified on the Basic Info tab).
To streamline data entry, you can copy work orders using the Copy button. For a list of the data items that are copied and not copied, see Work order data items copied. Remember that behind-the-scenes functionality specified on the Linear Work Order screen also applies to linear work order actions performed through the Shop Activity Portals in Web Modules.
The Linear Work Order screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorization to make changes or updates. In addition, the option specified in the Require match between work order location and equipment access rights location field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen indicates whether users can open work orders on this screen.
You can use the % wildcard character to filter the results of choice-lists on this screen.
The fields in the top section of this tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.
Work order ID
Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the linear asset.
Job status
Job status of the work order. The statuses are as follows:
OPEN: The work on the work order has not yet been completed.
WORK FINISHED: Shop personnel have completed the work and placed a check in the Date and time finished field on the Basic Info tab.
CLOSED: The work order is no longer open.
PENDING: Work has not yet started on this work order.
Current work delay
Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delays tab.
View recent work orders
Click the View recent work orders button to open a new instance of the Linear Work Order screen, filtered on work orders opened for the specified equipment ID within the last six months. If the Equipment ID field is blank, a new instance will not launch.
The Information about the work order or equipment unit field in the bottom section of this tab contains display-only messages that may provide information about the following:
Information from the Messages field on the Comments tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
Other open work orders for the equipment unit.
Tasks specified on the Tasks tab that are potential comebacks.
Warranty status regarding the component associated with repair tasks. Warranty information for components associated with task IDs is defined on the Component Warranties tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Additional Data screen.
Notification that the equipment unit is:
Late for a scheduled PM or inspection service.
Late for a statutory inspection.
In a life-cycle-status that is not identified as active.
Due for a scheduled PM or inspection service.
Work order approval requirements.
PENDING ACCIDENT DAMAGE (heading): Recorded accident that either has not been assigned to a work order or has been assigned to a work order in OPEN, PENDING, or WORK FINISHED status. If the accident has been assigned to a work order, the accident ID, description (truncated after 38 characters), and work order ID display. If the accident has not been assigned to a work order, the accident ID and description (truncated after 38 characters) display.
Note: An option on the Work Order Messages screen specifies whether the PENDING ACCIDENT DAMAGE information displays.