Projects |
If the Equipment Planning module is installed, the Projects screen displays and defines projects for equipment planning. Projects track specific equipment replacement and/or fabrication activities. They represent attributes of a single unit or group of units. You can define each request for new equipment as a separate project ID for tracking purposes.
Note: When you create new equipment units using the Equipment Planning module, the following data is provided on the new equipment unit, based on the template:
Maintenance class (if available on the template)
Resources class (if available on the template)
Equipment type (if available on the template)
Year (if available on the equipment type from the template)
Manufacturer (if available on the equipment type from the template)
Model (if available on the equipment type from the template)
Tip: You can use the filter to limit the display of information in the grid to specific values that are appropriate for your needs. This will also maximize performance. You can use the sort button to arrange the order in which projects are listed. If you do not specify a sort sequence, projects are listed in descending order by ID.
To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.
Information about equipment planning projects, including ID, template, department, location, and costs
Additional information about projects, including associated production run, assembly method, and shipments mode IDs
Current project status information, such related dates and times as well as approval, purpose, and exception information
Catalog and non-catalog items that are optional equipment for the equipment units requested by the project
Identifiers and summary information about the equipment requested on projects
Equipment units to be replaced by equipment requested on projects
Comments about projects
Circumstances that justify the project
Files associated with equipment planning projects
Events in the project, including their approval
Costs incurred due to changes in the project
Accumulated labor charges incurred by employees because of changes to the project
Open work orders for equipment requested on projects