Class PM |
Note: This tab only applies to components assigned to a PM program type of CLASS on the Basic Info tab.
The Class PM tab displays the current standing of the component in regard to its class PM program, and specifies meter and fuel quantity overrides that can cause the unit to be considered due for PM (regardless of the next PM due date) if these values are different from the values specified for the equipment class for PM to which the unit is assigned.
The components are assigned to classes on the Classes tab; the overrides for classes is defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on equipment ID, part ID/suffix, PM program class, SLA equipment category, assigned repair location ID, and operator ID/name, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all.
Note: Filtering data based on fuel/fluid type uses the information in the Supported fuel/fluid types screen group on the Codes tab.
The Primary Information screen supports department-level and location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the component currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The component year, manufacturer, and model display to the right of the ID.
When you insert a component with an asset category that supports automatic numbering and this field is blank, an equipment ID is generated that follows the format specified in the Custom ID structure field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen. If the asset category does not support automatic numbering, the equipment ID is based on either part/location settings or system settings. If you specify an ID and the component’s asset category supports automatic numbering, the ID is not overwritten.
Whether an asset category supports automatic numbering is specified on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen.
The data in the fields at the bottom section of this tab define the current status of the component in regard to its class PM program. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Next PM service number
Slot number of the next PM service to be performed on the unit. Refer to the Class PM Service Pattern tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen for the PM service slots for this unit’s PM class.
Note: If there is a check in the Automatically start class PM schedule when equipment unit becomes active field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen and the PM program type is CLASS, this field is set from 0 to 1, but only if the class PM schedule was not started manually.
Tip: If a work order for the next PM service due has a status of either OPEN or PENDING, the work order ID and status are concatenated and display in the unlabeled field to the right.
PM service
PM service level (designated by letters A–Z) or inspection type that corresponds to the value in the Next PM service number field. This field is display only. A description of the service displays to the right of the field.
Next PM due date
Date on which the next PM service is due on the equipment unit. Calculated as (last PM start of meter reading 1 and 2) - (previous total of meter reading 1 and 2) + (meter override). The due date for the next PM/inspection service on an equipment unit is computed once the work order is FINISHED.
Note: If there is a check in the Automatically start class PM schedule when equipment unit becomes active field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen and the PM program type is CLASS, this field defaults to the in-service date plus the class interval, but only if the class PM schedule was not started manually.
Last performed
Last date on which the PM service was performed. This field is display only.
Identifier or description of the PM service last performed. This field is display only.
Work order ID
Identifier of the work order for which the PM schedule
was last updated. The ID consists of the location ID of the work order’s
assigned shop, the year the work order was opened, and the work order
number. This field is display only. This field has a zoom
button to the Data
-> Shop Activity -> Work Order
Center screen.
Date source
Source of the last update of the PM schedule. The values are UNIT IN, FIRST LABOR, WORK FINISHED, IN SERVICE, or SCHEDULED. This field is display only.
PM overrides
If there are values in the following fields when a determination is made whether a component is due for PM, overrides set for the component's class for PM program (in the PM meter and Fuel quantity override fields on the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen) are ignored and the value specified in this field is used.
Components are assigned to their equipment class for PM program on the Classes tab. The PM service interval for an equipment class is specified on the Class PM Service Pattern tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen.
Meter 1
Number of meter units on meter 1 since the last PM service at which the component becomes due for PM, if that quantity of meter units elapses before the next PM due date or the component consumes fuel in excess of the fuel quantity. This value is used for the unit's matching meter-type. This field is optional.
Note: If there is a check in the Automatically start class PM schedule when equipment unit becomes active field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen and the PM program type is CLASS, this field defaults to the meter reading at the time of insert, but only if the class PM schedule was not started manually.
Fuel qty
Quantity of fuel used since the last PM service at which the component becomes due for PM, if the quantity is used before the next PM due date or meter readings that would make the unit due. This field is optional.
Meter 1
Life meter 1 reading on the unit the last time this PM service was performed.
Meter 1
Life meter reading on the unit's meter at the time of its last PM. This field is useful when you first implement the system and when you change the PM schedule data for a unit.
Note: If a meter rolled over or was replaced after the work order was opened, the life meter from the work order is used to update the PM schedule.
Next PM due at meter reading
Reading on the appropriate meter at which time the next PM service is due on the equipment unit.
Note: If there is a check in the Automatically start class PM schedule when equipment unit becomes active field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen and the PM program type is CLASS, this field defaults to the meter reading at the time of insert, but only if the class PM schedule was not started manually.
Quantity fuel used since last PM
Amount of fuel this unit used since its last PM. This field is useful when you change the PM schedule data for a unit. This field is optional.