Purchase Orders |
The Purchase Orders screen enables you to view, update, insert, and delete purchase orders. You can enter line items and associate related work orders, direct issues, attributes, and files with the purchase order. Line items can include stock parts, non-stock parts, fees, shipping, and commercial work. Line items can be issued or posted to a work order upon receipt, or you can use the screen to order a stock part to be received into inventory. You can start the purchase order process from a request for bid/quote/proposal, a response to a RFB/Q/P, or a requisition, or you can create a purchase order manually.
List of fields that users can edit on a CLOSED purchase order: Editable fields on CLOSED purchase orders.
This screen supports location level control access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates. Location security also applies to this screen; go to location security on EP purchase orders for more information.
Tip: Enterprise Purchasing uses the logic of an inventory managed by location, so quantities on the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen are not updated.
To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.
General information about the purchase order, such as location, status, vendor, account, and dates/times of various activities (e.g., date ordered, date needed)
Identify employee IDs and other information associated with a purchase order
Free-form text comments regarding the purchase order
List of every item being purchased (e.g., parts, office supplies, shipping fees, service charges). Can also be used to order stock parts
Associate specific line items with specific work orders
User-entered notes regarding either the purchase order or individual line items
Attributes associated with the PO or individual line items
Associate files with the either purchase order or individual line items
Display all receipts associated with a specific purchase order
Concise display of all details on the purchase order and the individual line items