Meters and Fuel (Equipment - Historical Costs) |
The Meters and Fuel tab enables you to display and define an equipment unit’s historical meter readings, fuel consumption, and fuel costs.
To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on equipment ID, month, and year. The default sort is year/month in descending order, so the most recent data is listed first.
Tip: If you are assigned to a user group that has a check in the Grant access to data only for authorized location IDs field on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen, location-level access control determines whether you can display or update information on this screen. (Users are assigned to user groups on the Groups Currently Assigned tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Users screen.)
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit currently selected
in the grid. This field has a list box.
If the ID already exists, the equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model
display to the right of the ID. This field also has a Zoom button
to the Data -> Equipment Units ->
Equipment screen.
Tip: You can set a zoom button for this field to detect the type of equipment and display the appropriate screen. If you used Administrator Mode to add a zoom button, you will need to use it again to remove your user-defined zoom button for this functionality to work.
The calendar month during which the costs occurred. May not be earlier than the date in the Delivery date field on the Acquisition tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen nor later than the system date.
Note: If you change the month, the selection in the grid changes to match it.
Calendar year
The calendar year during which the costs occurred. May not be earlier than the date in the Delivery date field on the Acquisition tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen nor later than the system date.
Note: If you change the year, the selection in the grid changes to match it.
Fiscal year
Your organization's fiscal year-end month.
Fiscal year is based on the existing year end at the time of the conversion:
If the fiscal year-end month = 12, the fiscal year is set to the cost year
If the fiscal year-end month = 1 to 11, the fiscal year is set to the cost year for rows that have a cost month that is less than or equal to the end month. It is set to the cost year plus 1 for rows with a cost month that is greater than the end month fiscal year.
To reset the fiscal year, use the Edit Criteria – General tab on the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the equipment unit’s historical meter readings, fuel consumption, and fuel costs. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
Current and new values for the equipment unit. When you process these costs, it updates all cost information for the equipment unit. Values in the Current column are display only. Values in the New column default to Current values. You can change them.
The cost entries and meter entries should be consistent, especially the values for the Meter at delivery field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
When you process these costs, all cost information for the equipment unit updates.
Note: To process correct life or historical cost per meter information when you enter historical cost information for a previous period, you must enter usage information for each meter on the equipment unit.
Reading snapshot at end of month
Snapshot of the end-of-month Meter 1 and Meter 2 readings for the current month. These fields populate automatically when you run end of period processing for the month. This field is display only.
Meter 1 and Meter 2
Meter reading information is used to compute cost per meter unit. If you enter values in the New field for Meter 1 or Meter 2, be sure that they are the number of meter units accumulated by the unit during the period covered by the historical costs added.
Fuel values. Data for these two fields will populate based on the fuel type value. If the Codes tab of the Fleet Equipment, Rail Equipment, Stationary Equipment, Asset Primary Information, and Components - Primary Information screens specify a fuel type that the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fuel Type screen's Posting to value is set as Fuel, these fields will be populated using the fuel ticket values as well as other markup and tax settings when you post fuel charges to the equipment unit.
Current Units/New Units: Number of units of fuel charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.
Current Cost/New Cost: Cost of fuel charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.
Alternative fuel values. If the Codes tab of the Fleet Equipment, Rail Equipment, Stationary Equipment, Asset Primary Information, and Components - Primary Information screens specify a fuel type that the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fuel Types screen's Posting to value is set as Alternative, these fields update automatically when you post fuel charges to the equipment unit.
Current Units/New Units: Number of units of alternative fuel charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.
Current Cost/New Cost: Cost of alternative fuel charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.
Energy values. Data for these two fields will populate based on the fuel type value. If the Codes tab of the Fleet Equipment, Rail Equipment, Stationary Equipment, Asset Primary Information, and Components - Primary Information screens specify a fuel type that the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fuel Type screen's Posting to value is set as ELECTRIC, these fields will be populated using the electric energy ticket values as well as other markup and tax settings when you post energy charges to the equipment unit.
Current Units/New Units: Number of units of energy charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.
Current Cost/New Cost: Cost of energy charged to the equipment unit during the month and year.