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Direct Charges - No Work Order - Labor

The Direct Charges - No Work Order - Labor screen enables you to post internal labor directly to an equipment unit, department, or account ID without a work order. You also may use this screen to post labor directly to a service request that does not have an asset (or equipment unit) and uses the GENERAL task type.

Detail View

Direct labor charge

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit to which charges from this vendor are posted. This field has a list box. Equipment IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Department ID

Identifier of the department that requested the equipment. This field has a list box. Department IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Departments -> Primary Information screen.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system account to which the equipment unit. This field has a list box. The account ID assigned must have a status of ACTIVE.

If a task ID is entered for the line, the account IDs that display are only those associated with the task. If there is no associated account ID listed for the task, all active accounts that support that task will display. 

Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab on the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.

Financial project code

The Financial project code choicelist allows the user to select from active Financial Project Codes or Usage Tickets.


Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the work was completed. When you specify an equipment ID, the current system date displays in this field, but you can specify an earlier date.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee performing the work. Employee must be active and authorized to charge time. This field has a list box.

Employee IDs are assigned on the Personal Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen.

Location ID

Identifier of the location where the work was performed. Required for direct labor; must be blank for indirect labor. This field has a list box.

Locations are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. The functions performed at a location are specified on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Time code ID

Identifier of the time code. When you enter a employee ID, this field auto-populates with employee's default time code. This field has a list box. Only time codes with a check in the Use on labor transactions field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen may be used.

Time codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen.


Employee's time classification. This field is optional.

Task ID

Identifier of the task that describes the work performed. May only post to an indirect task. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task.

If an account ID is entered for the line, the task IDs that display are only those associated with the account. If there are no associated task IDs listed for the account, all active tasks that support that account will display. This does not include accounts that have the Enforce task restrictions for this account option enabled on the Tasks tab of the Accounts Primary Information screen.


If this field has a check, this entry is being reversed (to correct an error in a previously posted entry).

Labor hours

Number of hours required to complete the task. Must be a positive number.


Text field in which you can enter comments.

Shift ID

Identifier of the shift during which the labor was performed. This field has a list box.

Shifts and shift IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Shifts screen.

Service request ID

Identifier of the service request. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Service requests are associated with equipment IDs on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen.