Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to define the service request for a specific equipment unit ID. It displays the work order ID associated with the service request as well as other basic information.
When you open a work order for an equipment unit using the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, the Service Requests/Defects tab on that screen displays all pending requests associated with the unit that are not yet associated with a work order ID.
Service requests are assigned to the work order by default. To change this default, go to the Work Orders-Service Requests tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. Filter on the work order location, and then select the Default service requests as unassigned checkbox.
To manually associate a service request with a work order, go to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, click the Service Requests/Defects tab, and select the Assigned checkbox for the applicable service request.
To manually disassociate a service request with a work order, go to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, click the Service Requests/Defects tab, and clear the Assigned checkbox for the applicable service request.
There is no limit to the number of requests you can associate with an equipment unit.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on equipment ID, repair reason, symptom, operating restriction, segment ID, to/from marker ID, and to/from offset, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all. If you specify a range, any record that crosses any part of that range will be displayed.
The Service Requests/Defects screen supports department-level and location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations in order to make changes or updates.
The fields in the top section of this tab display the data entry information.
Date and time entered
Date and time the service request was created. This field is display only.
Entered by
Identifier of the person who entered the service request. This field is display only.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the service request. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit currently selected in the grid. This field has a list box of IDs that do not have a check in the Exclude from inventory lists field on the
tab of the Data -> Equipment Units ->
Fleet Equipment screen. The equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model display to the right. This field also has a Zoom button to the Data -> Equipment Units ->
Fleet Equipment
screen. Required if assigned to a work order ID, otherwise optional.
The equipment ID may not be changed if the service request is tied to a multi-unit project or if a user is jobbed on to the service request.If there is a check in the Update equipment ID on assigned service request when update equipment ID on work order field on the Work Orders - Service Requests tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, changing the equipment ID on a work order changes it on all the service requests assigned to that work order. Related transactions also update automatically, including test results.
You may only record service requests on equipment units with a life-cycle status code ID that indicates the unit is active. For more information, go to the Authorization tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
Tip: You can set a zoom button for this field to detect the type of equipment and display the appropriate screen. If you used Administrator Mode to add a zoom button, you will need to use it again to remove your user-defined zoom button for this functionality to work.
Identifier of the location to which the service request is assigned. This field has a list box. The shop name displays to the right of the ID.
By default, the service request is assigned to the shop to which the equipment unit is assigned for repairs, but you can associate it with a work order in any shop. You can also assign the service request to a different shop.
Note: If your location options are set to automatically assign pending service requests to work orders opened on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, this applies to all pending service requests regardless of whether the location on the service request matches the work order location.
Work order ID
If the service request is currently associated with a work order, this field displays the work order ID. The first part is the location identifier of the work order’s assigned shop. The second part of the field is the year in which the work order was opened. The third part of the field is the number of the work order.
Service requests are assigned to work orders on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen.
Note: This field is display only most of the time. When changing status from DEFERRED to OPEN, these field unlock so they can be updated.
Contact name
Name of the person reporting the problem. This field is optional.
Telephone number of the contact person. Maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.
Occupation of the contact person. This field has a list box. The occupation description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.
Symptom associated with the service request. This field has a list box. The symptom description displays to the right of the ID.
When creating a service request without an assigned asset, only symptoms that have the Supports service request with no asset checkbox checked (on the Symptoms screen) can be used.
Note: If there are symptoms defined for the manufacturer ID, the choice list displays the symptoms identified for that manufacturer, a dashed line, and then all symptoms. If there are no symptoms defined for the manufacturer ID, the special choice list displays a dashed line and then all symptoms. Manufacturer IDs are associated with symptoms on the Manufacturers tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Symptoms screen.
Either a symptom or a task ID must be entered on new service requests. If the end user or operator entering the service request does not know the task ID structure, a symptom can be chosen instead. The shop's service writer can then use the symptom to determine the appropriate task IDs for the work required.
Symptoms are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Symptoms screen.
Task ID
Identifier of the task that most closely correlates with the problem the service request describes. This field has a list box that shows only active tasks that are either REPAIR GROUP or REPAIR TASK. You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order. The task description displays to the right of the field. Either a task ID or a symptom must be entered on new service requests.
Task IDs and task ID types are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen. There must be a check in the Active field in order for you to post charges to the task.
Financial project code
The Financial project code choicelist allows the user to select from active Financial Project Codes or Usage Tickets. Once selected, the description of the chosen code will populate in the description field.
Priority ID
Identifier of the priority for this task. This value displays in the Task priority ID assigned by the service request field on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. This field has a list box. A description of the priority displays in the unlabeled field to the right. This field is optional.
If the Shop Scheduling module is active, this priority is assigned to the task when work schedules are prepared.
Date and time required
Date and time the service request must be resolved. This field is optional.
Estimated hours
Estimated number of labor hours required to complete the task associated with the service request. This field is display only.
Incident ID
Numeric identification number for the service request. You can manually associate an incident with an existing service request or work order by entering the incident ID in this field. If a service request was generated from an incident, an incident ID is assigned automatically. Optional.
Multi-unit project ID
Identifier associated with a service request that involves more than one unit on a project. This field has a list box. The project description displays to the right. This field is optional.
Service requests for multi-unit projects are opened on the Open Work Orders/Service Requests tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Multi-Unit Projects-> Primary Information screen.
Reporting source ID
Identifier of the reporting source. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Reporting sources are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Reporting Sources screen.
Status of the service request. This field is required. The statuses are as follows:
Tip: If a user is jobbed on to a service request, you may only assign a status of OPEN or FINISHED to the request.
PENDING: The service request is not associated with a work order.
Note: If an asset is added to a service request with a status of OPEN or FINISH that did not have an asset ID previously, the service request’s status changes to PENDING.
OPEN: The service request is associated with a work order. May be used on service requests to which no assets are assigned.
Note: If there is a planning work order in the Work order ID field, the status automatically changes to OPEN.
FINISHED: The work required on the work order with which this service request is associated has been finished. May be used on service requests to which no assets are assigned.
CLOSED: The work order with which this service request is associated has been closed.
REJECTED: The service request was rejected.
Service requests with an equipment ID must have a status of PENDING, CLOSED, or REJECTED or be assigned to a work order. If a service request does not have an equipment unit on it, you may change the status from PENDING to OPEN or FINISHED.
Tip: If a service request's status is CLOSED or REJECTED, you cannot change it.
View/edit/open work order
To open a work order for a pending service request, click the View/edit/open work order button. The Work Order Center screen appears. If provided, the contact name and telephone number information from this screen auto-populate the applicable fields on the Work Order Center screen. The work order is generated at the shop location specified on the service request.
Work class
Code of the work class for this service request. This field has a list box. The work class description displays to the right. This field is optional.
Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.
Note: Work class is not required on service requests, even if the shop location requires entering a work class on work orders.
Work type
Code of the work type for this service request. This field is optional.
Work group
Work group for this service request. This field is optional.
Repair reason
Identifier of the repair reason that best fits this service request. This field has a list box. The reason description displays to the right. This field is optional.
Tip: If you leave this field blank, this field uses the repair reason ID specified for OTHER in the Repair reason IDs for the following special repair reasons field on the Repair Reasons tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen. Repair codes are defined on the Repair Reasons tab.
The type of asset being entered determines which fields display on the bottom of the screen. If the asset is non-linear (e.g., component, rail, or fleet equipment), the meter fields are visible. If the asset is linear (e.g., rail switch, track), the linear asset offset fields are visible.
Latest meter reading (Meter 1 and Meter 2)
Current reading on equipment unit’s appropriate meter, to the nearest mile or hour (omit the tenths).
Note: If there is a check in the Update the last meter read source and date if the new meter reading is the same as the old reading field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Meter Source screen and the new meter reading is the same as the old reading, the last meter source and last meter read date and time are updated automatically on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment, Data -> Equipment Units -> Components -> Primary Information, Data -> Equipment Units -> Rail Equipment, and Data -> Equipment Units -> Stationary Equipment screens. The Update the last meter read source and date if the new meter reading is the same as the old reading field defaults to blank for service requests.
Meter validation (Meter 1 and Meter 2)
Specifies whether and how meter validation is performed. This field has a list box. For more information, go to meter validation fields.
Tip: If you bypass the meter validation by entering either EQ UPD or NO EQ UPD in the Meter n validation field, that information is retained and the selected choice displays when viewing data.
Meter at which to process (Meter 1 and Meter 2)
Information-only field that is not validated, so you may use it however you want.
When you insert a service request for a single point linear asset, the Marker, Segment, and Offset fields auto-populate. Information may be changed after a service request has been created, but offsets may not be reduced or changed to a different asset once charges, hours, or both have been posted.
From marker/segment
Identifies the marker and segment where the linear asset defect starts. This is a two-part field. The first field identifies the marker; the second field identifies the segment.
Units of distance from the marker/segment to the defect. May be specified as a negative number.
To marker/segment
Identifies the marker and segment where the linear asset defect ends. This is a two-part field. The first field identifies the marker; the second field identifies the segment.
Units of distance from the marker/segment to the defect. May be specified as a negative number.