Codes |
The Codes tab enables you to display and define the default priority ID on work orders as well as the fuel/fluid settings associated with equipment units. You can, for example, define a maximum fluid quantity per calendar pattern at the fluid type level.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on equipment ID, maintenance class, SLA equipment category, assigned repair location ID, station location ID, and department ID, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all. If you specify a range, any record that crosses any part of that range will be displayed.
Note: Filtering data based on fuel/fluid type uses the information in the Supported fuel/fluid types screen group on this tab.
The Rail Equipment screen supports location level and department-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model display to the right of the ID.
When you insert an equipment unit with an asset category that supports automatic numbering and this field is blank, the system generates an equipment ID that follows the format specified in the Custom ID structure field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen. If you specify an ID and the equipment’s asset category supports automatic numbering, the ID is not overwritten.
Whether an asset category supports automatic numbering is specified on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen.
The data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the default priority ID on work orders. You can also specify fuel/fluid settings, including the types supported and the allowable capacity for each.
Default priority ID for equipment unit on work orders
Identifier of the default priority to use on work orders opened for the equipment unit. This field is required. This field has a list box that includes priority IDs assigned to the priority category INTERNAL SHOP PRIORITY on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen. This priority ID is assigned to work orders opened for the equipment unit if the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center does not specify a priority ID. The priority description displays to the right of the ID.
Oil type
Code to designate the type of oil the unit uses. This field is optional.
Billing code
Code to designate the billing status or category of the unit. This field is optional.
Quantity of tires
Number of tires required by the equipment unit, including any spares.
Supports any fuel or fluid type
If this field has a check, the equipment unit supports any fuel type. This field is optional.
The Supported fuel/fluid types screen group enables you to define new and review the existing fuel types or fluid/product types that are supported, along with their corresponding capacities. Fuel types are validated against this list only for capacity checking and posting to the fuel type. The fluid and product types in the list are used in conjunction with FuelFocus.
Note: The data conversion to Release 5.7 automatically entered your supported fuel type and capacity information in the screen group.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Fuel/fluid type
Type of fuel or fluid stored in the tank. This field has a list box. You may only enter a particular fuel or fluid/product type once for each equipment unit. Optional.
Fuel types are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fuel Types screen. Fluid types are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fluid/Product Types screen.
Description of the fuel or fluid stored in the tank. auto-populates based on the information in the Fuel/fluid type field.
Capacity of the tank, in gallons or liters. This field is optional. If you specify a capacity, it cannot be lower than the current quantity on hand. In addition, the tank capacity must be greater than the following:
Quantity received (on the Data -> Fuel Activity -> Receipts screen)
Reading (on the Data -> Fuel Activity -> Tank Readings screen)
Reorder point (Basic Info tab on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen)
Maximum quantity within calendar period
Maximum quantity of fuel that may be issued to an equipment unit or asset during a specific time period. Maximum field length is 10 characters. Optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero if specified.
To learn about fuel pre-authorization at an ICU, go to Fuel pre-authorization at ICU.
The following fields support FuelFocus enhancements in Release 6.0. They require the FuelFocus version included in FA Web Modules 1.6.
Maximum fuelings per day
Maximum number of fuelings allowed in 1 day. The default is 99. This field is optional.
Meter retries allowed Meter 1
Number of retries allowed. The default is 3. This field is optional.
Meter retries allowed Meter 2
Number of retries allowed. The default is 3. This field is optional.
Employee card ID required
If this field has a check, an employee ID card is required to refuel. The default is Yes (option is checked). This field is optional.
Deny fuel if retries exceeded
If this field has a check, refueling is denied if the maximum number of retries is exceeded. The default is No (option is not checked). This field is optional.
Tip: If you insert a new equipment record without specifying values for maximum fuelings per day, meter retries allowed, employee card ID required, and deny fuel if retries exceeded, the defaults are used.
Fueling calendar ID
Identifier of the fueling calendar. This field has a list box. The calendar description displays to the right of the ID. Required if a fuel/fluid type has a fuel limit value (maximum quantity within calendar period) greater than zero.
Calendar IDs are defined on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Calendars screen.
Use telematics cloud meter when fueling
Check this box to enable FuelFocus to pull the meter reading from the Telematics Cloud versus from FuelFocus. In order to use this option, the asset must be marked as "supports telematics cloud".