Purchasing Info |
The Purchasing Info tab enables you to define the location’s purchasing information for parts, including the preferred vendor and repairer. The tab highlights if data is present.
Tip: You can use the filter to restrict the information that displays to a specific part ID, part suffix, inventory location, keyword, short description, product category, or part classification, among others. If you specify a cross-reference part ID that cannot be found, the applicable part ID is searched for and displayed.
The Location Information screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
Data in the fields in the top section of this tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.
Part ID
Identifier of the part. The ID is associated with
the part suffix. This field has a zoom
button (to the Data
-> Parts Items -> Cross-references
screen, which defines cross-references of part IDs) and a list box. The part description
displays to the right of the ID.
Part suffix
Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID.
Inventory location ID
Identifier of the location where the part inventory is stored. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.
Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab define the location’s purchasing information for the part. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Manufacturer name
Name or code of the part manufacturer. The information in this field is used to construct cross-reference entries for the part. This field is optional.
If you enter or change a manufacturer and there is a value in the Manufacturer part number field, two entries are automatically created or updated in the Parts Cross-reference (RPT_MAIN) table as follows:
The system part ID to manufacturer part number/manufacturer
Manufacturer part number/manufacturer to the system part ID
Part manufacturers are defined and activated on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Manufacturers screen.
Manufacturer part number
Manufacturer’s number for the part. The information in this field is used to construct cross-reference entries for the part. This field is optional.
If you enter or change a manufacturer’s part number, two entries are automatically created or updated on the Parts Cross-reference (RPT_MAIN) table:
The system part ID to manufacturer part number/manufacturer
Manufacturer part number/manufacturer to the system part ID
If you enter a manufacturer’s part number but not a manufacturer name,the cross-reference vendor is set to no value when you associate that manufacturer part number with a part.
Model name of the part. This field is optional.
Preferred vendor ID
Identifier of the vendor from whom you normally purchase this part. This field has a list box of vendors with a check in the Parts repair and rebuild field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID.
Required under the following conditions:
The Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen assigns the part ID/suffix to a part classification that has a check in the Warrantable field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Parts Classifications screen. The vendor ID must have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen (which also defines vendor IDs).
The value in the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION or ENTERPRISE PURCHASING.
Store ID
The identifier of the location of a particular physical store to purchase items from such as a chain that has locations in both City A and City B. Store ID is editable when inventory management method is ENTERPRISE or BY LOCATION. Enter the store ID if the preferred vendor ID entered has the option active to track store locations. This field has a list box. The store ID choice list is limited to the stores noted on the preferred vendor.
Preferred replenishment vendor contract
This optional field must match the Preferred Vendor ID, which must be active and the date must be within that vendor's contract start and end date. This field has a list box.
Last vendor ID
Identifier of the last vendor from which you purchased this part. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. This field updates automatically every time you reorder the part. This field is display only. Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.
Last purchase order ID
Identifier of the location’s last purchase order for
this part. This field updates automatically every time the location reorders
the part. This field is display only. This field also has a zoom button
to the Basic
Info tab of the Data ->
Purchasing -> Parts
Order Management screen.
Date of the location’s last purchase order on which this part was ordered. This field updates automatically every time the location reorders the part. This field is display only.
Last purchase order unit price
Unit price on the location’s last purchase order on which this part was ordered. This field updates automatically every time the location reorders the part. This field is display only.
Note: If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION and you generate purchase orders from the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering screen from a vendor for which there is no contract, this price is used as the unit price for parts.
Last receipt price
Price paid for the part when it was last received at this location. This field updates automatically every time you reorder the part for the location. Display only from the Receipt price vendors currency field on the Receipts tab of the Data -> Parts Activity -> Receipts screen.
Note: If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION and there is no contract with the vendor to supply the part for a specific price and no current order unit price on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor/Part Information screen, this value displays in the Gross unit price field on the following screens:
Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Quick Orders screen (if the vendor ID listed on this screen is specified on the Basic Info tab of that screen)
Basic Info tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering screen
Preferred repairer
Identifier of the vendor who normally repairs this part for the location. This field has a list box of vendors with a check in the Parts repair and rebuild field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.
Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.
Last repairer
Identifier of the vendor who last repaired this part for the location. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. This field updates automatically every time the location has the part repaired. This field is display only.
Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.
Last repair purchase order ID
Identifier of the last purchase order for the part's repair at the location. This field updates automatically every time the location has the part repaired. This field is display only.
Date of the last purchase order for the part's repair at the location. This field updates automatically every time the location has the part repaired. This field is display only.
Last repair purchase order unit price
Unit price for the part on the last purchase order the part's repair at the location. This field updates automatically every time the location has the part repaired. This field is display only.