Authorization |
Note: Linear assets do not display on this screen. Use the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.
The Authorization tab enables you to display and define authorizations that relate to equipment units.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on equipment ID, serial number, asset category ID, SLA equipment category, assigned repair location ID, and department ID, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all.
Note: Filtering data based on fuel/fluid type uses the information in the Supported fuel/fluid types screen group on the Codes tab.
The Asset Primary screen supports department-level and location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The year, manufacturer, and model of the equipment unit are displayed to the right of the ID.
When you insert an equipment unit with an asset category that supports automatic numbering and this field is blank, the system generates an equipment ID that follows the format specified in the Custom ID structure field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen. If you specify an ID and the equipment’s asset category supports automatic numbering, the ID is not overwritten.
Whether an asset category supports automatic numbering is specified on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Asset Categories screen.
Asset type
The type of asset.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the authorizations. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Work orders
If this field has a check, you can open work orders and schedule PM or inspection services for this equipment unit.
Tip: If there is a check in the Default authorization checkboxes when equipment changes from or to active status field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen, the system automatically places a check in this field whenever an equipment's life-cycle status changes to ACTIVE. If the life-cycle status changes to a value other than ACTIVE, this field clears automatically.
Usage tickets
This field specifies whether usage tickets are processed for the equipment unit. This box can be checked or blank:
Check: You can process usage tickets for this equipment unit. The unit must have a Life-cycle status code (specified on the Status tab) that has a check in the Status denotes that unit is active field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Life-cycle Status Codes screen. Required to assign an equipment unit to a motor pool. If this checkbox is unchecked when creating a usage ticket for motor pool, the system will automatically check this box.
Blank: To process usage tickets for this equipment unit there must be a check in the Process usage transactions for unauthorized equipment units field on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Setup -> Options screen, in which case the tickets are identified by Y in the equip_not_authorized column in the Usage Tickets (USG_MAIN) table.
Do not remove the check from this field unless you are certain that you have run the end-of-period equipment usage for month processing after posting all usage ticket charges for the equipment unit. That processing excludes equipment units that are not currently authorized for usage tickets.
Tip: If there is a check in the Default authorization checkboxes when equipment changes from or to active status field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen, this field is checked automatically when an equipment's life-cycle status changes to ACTIVE. If the life-cycle status changes to a value other than ACTIVE, this field clears automatically.
Fuel tickets
This field specifies whether fuel tickets are processed for the equipment unit.
Check: You can process fuel tickets for this equipment unit. The unit must have a Life-cycle status code (specified on the Status tab) that has a check in the Status denotes that unit is active field on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Life-cycle Status Codes screen.
Blank: To process fuel tickets for this equipment unit, there must be a check in the Process fuel transactions for unauthorized equipment units field on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Options screen, in which case the tickets are identified by Y in the equip_not_authorized column in the Fuel Tickets (FTK_MAIN) table.
Tip: If there is a check in the Default authorization checkboxes when equipment changes from or to active status field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen, this field is checked automatically when an equipment's life-cycle status changes to ACTIVE. If the life-cycle status changes to a value other than ACTIVE, this field clears automatically.
Fuel card ID
Numerical identifier of the fuel card assigned to the equipment unit. Each equipment unit must have a separate, unique ID. The maximum field length is 20 characters. Alphabetic characters and leading zeros are not allowed. If equipment units are identified by fuel card IDs, this field is required. Otherwise, it is optional. If the unit does not have a fuel card, this field should be zero (0). Fuel ticket charges are not posted to units with a fuel card number of 0.
If your organization uses an automated fuel dispensing system that cannot process equipment IDs because they are the wrong length or contain non-numeric characters, you can use fuel card IDs to identify each unit to the fuel system.
To use fuel card IDs as the identifier for automated fuel systems:
Go to Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Automated Fuel Systems and click the Processing Rules - General tab. In the Equipment identifier field, specify that equipment units are identified by FUEL CARD ID.
Go to Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Automated Fuel Systems and click the Data Format tab. You may need to adjust the layout depending on the fuel card's length, and whether you use a fixed-width or comma-delimited format.
On this tab, assign a fuel card to the equipment unit.
Fuel card PIN
Personal identification number (PIN) associated with the fuel card. The maximum field length is 12 characters. This field is optional.
Note: Requires installation of FuelFocus version included in Web Modules 1.6 or later.
Off road use
If this field has a check, the equipment unit is used off-road. The organization may be entitled to recover fuel taxes on fuel consumed in off-road vehicle use, even if the unit is not used exclusively off-road. To apportion off-road and on-road use, use the Off road pct field. You can generate a list of off-road units and the fuel quantity for each with the Query/Report Generator . You can also use Web Modules or any other reporting tool sold separately (such as Microsoft Access). Refer to the related documentation for these products. This field is optional.
Off road pct
Amount (as a percentage) of off-road use. The value must be in the range of 0 to 100. This field is optional.
Test equipment
If this field has a check, the equipment unit is used to perform tests on other equipment units.
Work order approval level
Minimum monetary amount on work orders that require approval before the repair work can begin on this unit. This field is optional.
If the estimated cost of work on a repair order is equal to or greater than this amount, a message displays on the Messages tab on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, indicating that approval from the department responsible for the unit must be recorded on the work order before you can enter labor, parts, or commercial charges against the work order.
Device ID
This field is intended for generic use as needed and additionally supports integration with third-party solutions. It is a free-form field and allows mixed case data.
Exclude from cost reports
If this field has a check, the equipment unit is not included when an equipment cost report is generated.
Exclude from exception reports
If this field has a check, the equipment unit is not included when an equipment exception report is generated.
Exclude from inventory lists
If this field has a check, the equipment ID is excluded from Equipment ID list boxes on the following screens:
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Internal Fuel Tickets
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> External Fuel Tickets
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Usage Tickets
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Meter Readings - Assignments - Usage
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Multi-state Usage
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Testing -> Test Results
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Special Fees -> Special Fees - Detail
Data -> Equipment Activity -> Special Fees -> Special Fees
Data -> Equipment Management -> Work Order Summary
Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center
Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order - Short Form
Data -> Call Center -> Call Center
Data -> Parts Activity -> Direct Issues
Data -> Data Capture -> Hand-held Devices
Tip: If there is a check in the Default authorization checkboxes when equipment changes from or to active status field on the General Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Options screen, this field clears automatically when an equipment's life-cycle status changes to ACTIVE. If the status changes to a value other than ACTIVE, a check displays in this field.
Exclude from replacement analysis modeling
If this field has a check, the equipment unit is not included in usage cost calculations for replacement analysis.
Track meter 1 of parent equipment unit
If this field has a check and the equipment unit is defined as a component of another equipment unit (parent unit), whenever the meter 1 reading for the unit is updated, the Meter information/Meter 1/Life total and the Life total – parent meter 1 fields for the parent of the component on the Meter Info tab are also updated. The update occurs in the EQ_MAIN.PARENT_LIFE_METER_1 table so that you can use it for reporting purposes.
The Data -> Equipment Units -> Components -> Component Relationships screen defines equipment units as components of other equipment units.