Labor |
Note: Linear assets do not display on this screen. Use the Data -> Shop Activity -> Linear Work Order screen.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all. If you search on task ID, incident ID, or project ID, you are encouraged to specify a location ID as well to help reduce the amount of search time required.
The Labor tab, available only if a valid work order ID is selected in the grid, enables you to display and post charges to work orders for employee labor. To post the time charges, the work order must be open.
You can make as many labor entries as you like; you do not need to wait until a task is completed (which may take several days) before you make entries. Enter all time daily so that accurate records can be maintained for each employee.
For preventive maintenance (PM) work, the last PM begin date in the Equipment Master (EQ_MAIN) record for the equipment unit is updated to reflect the start of work on the PM.
For a list of all screens from which you can post charges to work orders, see Posting charges to work orders. Charges are posted in the same way from each screen.
If you attempt to post labor charges to a work order that has been closed, a message appears. To reopen a closed work order in order to post charges, see reopening a closed work order.
The Work Order Center screen supports location level and department-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates. In addition, the option specified in the Require match between work order location and equipment access rights location field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether users can open work orders and whether there are restrictions on the equipment that can be repaired.
Tip: If you are performing an update that requires a calendar to calculate hours but the calendar has not been generated for that time period, a warning message appears. You will be allowed to process the update, but the hours will not be calculated properly because the calendar has not been generated. If you receive this warning message, ask your system administrator to generate the calendar.
To streamline data entry, you can copy work orders using the Copy button. For a list of the data items that are copied and not copied, see Work order data items copied. Remember that behind-the-scenes functionality specified on the Work Order Center screen also applies to work order actions performed through the Shop Activity Portals in Web Modules.
You can also use the sort button to arrange the order in which the work order IDs are listed. If you do not specify a sort sequence, IDs are listed in descending order by the Date and time in field (specified on the Basic Info tab).
When you filter data based on multi-unit project ID, data for work orders includes service requests assigned to the project as well as work orders directly assigned to the project. If you search on project ID, you are encouraged to specify a location ID as well to help reduce the amount of search time required.
Note: To view the repair reason, work class, and warranty values for each posting row when you perform a Get Data on this screen, use the Tasks tab. Repair reason, work class, and warranty will only display on this tab when you are entering data.
You can use the % wildcard character to filter the results of choice lists on this screen.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Work order ID
Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid or that you are inserting (opening). The work order ID is composed of three parts: location, year, and number. The location part of the field has a list box.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit on the work order currently selected in the grid. Display only.
Job status
Job status of the work order. This field is display only. The job statuses are as follows:
OPEN: The work order has not yet been completed.
WORK FINISHED: Shop personnel have completed the work and placed a check in the Date and time finished field on the Basic Info tab for this work order.
CLOSED: The work order is no longer open.
PENDING: Shop personnel are waiting for the equipment unit to arrive at the shop.
Current work delay
Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delay tab.
Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab define information about the work orders labor. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Standard job ID
Identifier of the standard job. This field is optional. This field has a list box. It also has a zoom button to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup ->
Standard Jobs
Equipment units are assigned to equipment classes for resources on the Classes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen. The task IDs included in a standard job are specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Standard Jobs screen.
If you specify information in the Standard job ID field and place a check in the Apply standard job template field, the software adds the list of tasks associated with the standard job ID to the screen group.
Apply standard job template
If you place a check in this field and there is an ID in the Standard job ID field, the screen group displays information about the standard jobs tasks. In addition, the Parts tab displays information about the parts required for standard jobs.
Move to next stage
Note: This button is activated only if the optional Production Planning module is installed.
If you click the Move to next stage button, a dialog box displays the current stage and prompts you to select the next stage. You can use the list box provided to select the next stage. The list box includes all stages associated with the production type except the current stage. The next stage ID is based on the current order and the next order from the production type. The production run is then moved to the next stage.
Note: You cannot move to the next stage if the work order is closed.
The New transactions screen group enables you to enter new postings. When you stop labor capture on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen, a row of information is added to this tab regarding the task performed during the labor.
Task ID
Identifier of the task that describes the labor. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task. You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order.
If an account ID is entered for the line, the task IDs that display are only those associated with the account. If there are no associated task IDs listed for the account, all active tasks that support that account will display. This does not include accounts that have the Enforce task restrictions for this account option enabled on the Tasks tab of the Accounts Primary Information screen.
More Task ID Information
When you enter an ID in this field, the current system date displays automatically in the Date field, but you can change it to an earlier date.
If you specify information in the Standard job ID field and place a check in the Apply standard job template field, task IDs associated with the standard job ID appear. Only those tasks that do not have a check in the Parts only field on Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Standard Jobs screen are included.
The first time you post labor charges to a task ID not already listed on the work order, the work order's values automatically display in the Work class, Warranty, and Repair reason ID fields. To change these values, use the Tasks tab.
If the Parts tab specifies a part for a task and there is a check in the Require labor for tasks when parts charged field for the location (indicated by the first part of the Work order ID field) on the Work Orders - Options tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, you must specify a labor charge for the task on this tab before you can close the work order.
Task IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.
Work accomplished code
Code associated with the task ID for the work accomplished. This code provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task.
If you manually enter a parts issue or request, this field auto-populates with the code (if specified) in the Default work accomplished code for part issues field on the Issues tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen. You may change it.
When employees place a check in the Stop current entry field on the Labor Capture tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen, the work accomplished code on that tab displays in this field.
If a work accomplished code is specified on the Tasks tab, it displays in this field. To change it, you must use the Tasks tab.
If a work accomplished code is not specified on the Tasks tab, you can specify it on this tab when you post commercial charges to the task. The code also displays on the Tasks tab. See Work accomplished codes - processing.
If the code has a check in the Deferred maintenance and Final status fields on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen and there is a check in the Transfer all work order comments and notes to generated service requests or work orders field on the Work Orders Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, when you process a check in the Date and time closed field on the Basic Info tab, the system generates a service request for the equipment unit (on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen) and includes all comments from the Notes and Comments tabs. The comments are separated by carriage returns, and each note includes "ORIGINATED -- WORK ORDER ID: <loc>-<year>-<no>".
Work accomplished codes and their descriptions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.
Date that the labor was performed. If the work order has either a WORK FINISHED or CLOSED status, the posting date defaults to the work finished date. Otherwise, the current system date is displayed. You can change the date, but you cannot make it later than the work finished date.
Employee ID
Identifier of the employee performing the work. This field has a list box. The top portion of the list is restricted to employees who have been assigned to the work order on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Assignment -> Work Assignment screen and employees who have performed other work on the work order, followed by all employees who support the shop location.
The locations that an employee supports are defined on the Assignment Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen.
If this field has a check, the labor hours are reversed from the work order.
In Update mode, this field displays a Y (yes) or N (no) in rows that contain a task ID.
In Display mode, an X indicates labor hours that have been reversed from the work order.
Note: If the total hours posted are reversed to zero, the cost is reversed. If the total hours posted are greater than zero, the flat rate labor charge is (re)posted. The flat rate labor charge is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen.
Labor hours
Number of hours of labor the employee spent on this task, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. You can enter as many labor charges as you like for the same work order, task ID, and employee ID. The field format is 3.2 (three digits before the decimal; two after). Must be a positive number.
Note: If you enter more than the number of hours specified in the Message if posting more than ___ hours in one calendar day for one employee field on the Work Calendar tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, a warning message displays. To continue processing your entry, click OK. To adjust your entry before processing, click Cancel.
Tip: Labor charges are posted immediately to the employee's record in the Labor (LAB_MAIN) table, which holds all direct and indirect time charges and is used to monitor employee performance.
For an explanation of how the cost of labor is computed, see Determining labor rates.
Time code ID
Valid identifier of the time code for direct labor. The default is the time code ID specified on the Rates tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box.
Note: Only time codes with a check in the Use on labor transactions field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen may be used.
Employee's time classification. This field is optional.
% Complete
The percentage of the task completed by the specified employee.
The Require task percentages upon closing of work order field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen specifies whether verification of task completion percentages is never required, required on work orders with the status WORK FINISHED, or when the work order is closed. Percentages entered in this field display in the Task completion percentage group on the Task Completion tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Completion screen.
Account ID
Identifier of the general accounting system account to charge for the labor. This field has a list box. The account ID assigned to the work order on the Basic Info tab displays in this field. Required if there is a check in the Require entry of account ID on work orders and tasks field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons -> Primary Information screen, which takes precedence over the setting in the Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
If you enter a repair reason that requires an account ID, this field clears and the account ID must be entered manually. For labor, part, and commercial postings, the ID defaults from the task. If a task ID is entered for the line, the account IDs that display are only those associated with the task. If there is no associated account ID listed for the task, all active accounts that support that task will display. If the repair reason is M (Capital), the ID must be entered manually.
The account ID must have a status of ACTIVE at the time you assign it.
Account IDs and account status are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.
In the following three fields, if the task ID matches a task already listed on the work order, the value defined for the task displays. Otherwise, the value defined for the work order displays. These fields are display only.
To change a value, use one of the following tabs:
To change the value for the task, use the Tasks tab.
To change the value for the work order, use the Basic Info tab.
Financial project code
The Financial project code choicelist allows the user to select from active Financial Project Codes or Usage Tickets.
Work class
Code that specifies a work class for the task.
Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.
Warranty work
Warranty status of the task. If a warranty is in effect, the default is the location's value (indicated by the first part of the work order ID) in the Default setting for warranty when warranty is in effect field on the Work Orders _ More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.
YES: The task is for warranty work.
NO: The task is not warranty work. This value displays automatically for PM orders opened from the Data -> Equipment Management -> Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screens (either by Equipment or by Location).
UNKNOWN: The equipment unit (or one of its components) is still in its warranty period (based on time and meter reading) but it is not known whether the task is covered by a warranty.
Note: You cannot close a work order if any of its associated tasks have a value of UNKNOWN in the Warranty work field on the Tasks tab.
Repair reason ID
Identifier of the reason for repair. This field has a list box. If this is a new task, the ID defaults from the Repair reason ID field on the Basic Info tab.
Repair codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons screen.
Free-form text field in which to type comments regarding the task. The maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.
Position ID
Identifier of the part's position. This field has a list box. Required if you are posting labor, parts, or commercial entries to a work order for an equipment unit whose class for resources requires that a position ID be entered. Otherwise, optional.
Note: When comebacks are checked for while a work order is being closed for which a task requires positional information, only postings that match the position and the full task ID will be considered a comeback.
Position IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Positions screen. The position ID requirement for an equipment class is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen. Whether potential comebacks are checked for is based solely on exact task ID is specified on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen.
Service request ID
Identifier of the service request. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
No parts needed
If this field has a check, no parts were needed to complete the task on the work order. If this checkbox is selected, it is automatically set at the task level on the Tasks tab.
Note: The Require confirmation of task with no parts on work order field on the Work Orders - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen determines whether confirmation is required to close or finish a work order without posting parts to the task.
Shift ID
The shift during which the labor was performed. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Shifts and shift IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Shifts screen.
Start date and time
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HHMM format) that the employee began work. Enables technicians to use an alternative method to enter hours. Optional, but must be earlier than the end date and time if entered.
End date and time
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HHMM format) that the employee stopped work. Enables technicians to use an alternative method to enter hours. This field is optional.
Hours/cost posted
The total hours and cost of the labor for the listed transactions.
Displaying __ of __ rows
Counter indicating the number of transaction lines currently displayed out of the total number of transaction records available.
The number of rows that display on an initial Get Data is specified in the Number of work order posting rows to display initially field on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen. If you belong to more than one user group, the highest number of rows allowed displays.
Show more
When you click the Show more button, the number of rows displayed increases by the user group parameter specified on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen. If the parameter is zero, the number of rows displayed increases by 20.
Show all
When you click the Show all button, all transaction records are retrieved. Unless otherwise specified, the records display in descending date order.
Sort by:
Date desc
If the Date desc field has a check, the records are sorted in descending order by labor date. If this field is blank, records are listed in numerical order by row ID.
Task asc
If the Task asc field has a check, the records are sorted in ascending order by task ID . If this field is blank, records are listed in numerical order by row ID.
Employee asc
If the Employee asc field has a check, the records are sorted in ascending order by employee ID. If this field is blank, records are listed in numerical order by row ID.
The Posted transactions screen group displays all the transactions associated with the specified work order. All fields are display only.
Task ID
Identifier of the task the vendor performed.
Work accomplished code
Code associated with the task ID for the work accomplished. This code provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task.
Date that the labor was performed. If the work order has either a WORK FINISHED or CLOSED status, the posting date defaults to the work finished date. Otherwise, the current system date is displayed.
Employee ID
Identifier of the employee performing the work.
If this field has a check, the labor hours were reversed from the work order.
Labor hours
Number of hours of labor the employee spent on this task, to the nearest hundredth of an hour.
Time code ID
Valid identifier of the time code for direct labor.
Employee's time classification. This field is optional.
% Complete
The percentage of the task completed by the specified employee.
Account ID
Account identifier assigned to the work order on the Basic Info tab.
Work class
Code that specifies a work class for the task.
Warranty work
Warranty status of the task.
YES: The task is for warranty work.
NO: The task is not warranty work.
UNKNOWN: The equipment unit (or one of its components) is still in its warranty period (based on time and meter reading), but it is not known whether the task is covered by a warranty.
Repair reason ID
Identifier of the reason for repair.
Free-form text field for comments that apply to the work orders specified in the screen group. If there is text in the Comment to apply to selected rows field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Multi-unit Work Order -> Labor screen, it displays in this field unless comments already exist.
Position ID
Identifier of the position.
Service request ID
Identifier of the service request.
Shift ID
The shift during which the labor was performed.
Start date and time
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HH:MM format) that labor began as recorded on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen. Labor posted on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Time Cards screen does not display in this field.
End date and time
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HH:MM format) that labor ended as recorded on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen. Labor posted on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Time Cards screen does not display in this field.